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Messages - shlomi_bt

MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Supported heart rate monitor
July 17, 2014, 01:36:46 PM

  I've looked for a list/specs of compatible heart rate monitor to be used with OruxMap and cannot find such...


  Can i use any ANT+ heart rate monitor with Android based OruxMaps?

  Can someone recommend such monitor - i saw some links saying for example Zephyr is not supported any more...

  anyone direct me to requirements?

Thanks in advance
GENERAL / problem saving tracks
July 17, 2014, 01:29:45 PM
Hello everyone,

  I ran into some issues when i tried to save tracks...

  gps+record (including enter track name) started, when finished, i can choose to see the statistics of my ride....

  however, when i go to "manage tracks", the length of the track is zero...

  i tried to change the value of the auto save to 0.1 min and auto backup to 1 day... no change...

  another thing i've noticed that whenever i request to upload the track to gpcies or mapmyride it fails...

  did anyone came a cross such issue / can help me solve?

Thanks in advance