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Messages - guoke

Well, I tried to share it via Google Drive. Can you download it?"> ... mJNV2VKOEk">

Yes, of course.

How can I send the gpx to you?

Or could you send me a email (whut.wuming at )? Then I can reply.

Have been using OruxMaps 4.x for several years, and everything looks good.

And about 1 months ago I upgraded to OruxMaps 7.0.2, then I found the elevation gain and loss in the route statistics is totally suspicious.

For example, this one:">

How can a man finish 36.33km + 5103m ascent + 4766m descent in less than 16 hours?

But, if you upload the track log to some online website, then the data looks much more reasonable.

For example,"> ... =m&MOD=HKG">

says the accumulated climb is 2945.41m and  accumulated descent is 2616.73m,


says the ascent is 2641m and descent  is 2298m.

Definitely the data from and are more reasonable.

I didn't see this problem before, when I was using OruxMaps 4.x.

Could you please take a look?

GENERAL / Re: Mercator or UTM grid support
June 02, 2017, 10:54:32 AM
Quote from: "orux"

it is not possible, but I will try to add that option in the next version,



I can not waiting to see it!
GENERAL / Mercator or UTM grid support
May 26, 2017, 11:56:15 AM

I have been using this app for more than 5 years.

It's definitely the best app for we hikers.

Thank you very very much!

One requirement is, can we show the grid on top of the map?

Just like this:">

Can we do that?


GENERAL / Re: UTM grid support
August 13, 2014, 06:57:47 PM
Just want to get a quick (and not accurate) answer without necessity of drawing freehand lines.

Normally I superimpose tracklogs when I am making a map, the tracklog is already there so I don't want to depict the tracklog with extra freehand lines :-)
[Bug] Projection is ignored when loading multi-layer map under different projection

Steps to reproduce:

1. Using OruxMapsDesktop to convert png map to OruxMaps map package.

- a.db and a.otrk2.xml are generated by a.png (level 16, created by MOBAC, Mercator projection).

- b.db and b.otrk2.xml are generated by b.png (level 17, created by MOBAC, Mercator projection).

- c.db and c.otrk2.xml are generated by c.png (level 15, created by Global Mapper: contours generated by ASTER GDEM V2 + a.png,  UTM projection).

2. Merge a.db and b.db into 1 db file (using sqlite3.exe), merge a.otrk2.xml and b.otrk2.xml into 1 xml file.

   Copy this map package to mobile phone.

   Then you will find it is successfully loaded by OruxMaps, and once zoom in/out button is clicked, the correct level of map is loaded, without deviation.

3. Merge a.db, b.db and c.db into 1 db file (using sqlite3.exe), merge a.otrk2.xml, b.otrk2.xml and c.otrk2.xml into 1 xml file.

   Copy this map package to mobile phone. (Delete map package copied in step 2 first)

   Then you will find it is successfully loaded by OruxMaps, and once zoom in/out button is clicked,  deviation appeared when switching between level 15 and level 16, but no deviation when switching between level 16 and level 17.

I guess this is because Oruxmaps ignores projection attribute specified in each layer level section inside xml file, and assume all layers are under same projection.

GENERAL / Re: UTM grid support
August 04, 2014, 03:22:29 PM
Just found there is similar grid under Mercator projection.

So, maybe it is much more easier to support Mercator grid, especially for online maps, and offline maps under Mercator projection.
GENERAL / Re: UTM grid support
July 31, 2014, 08:40:39 AM
When you are hiking/climbing, in most times you don't care the accurate distance, but just want a rough estimate.

Do you know how hikers estimate the time to be spent for a trip?

They count the number of UTM grips, and also calculate the height increase and decrease.

So, UTM grid helps a lot, and it quickly provide the help. (Yon't have to use a measure tool to draw a line segment, or even several).
GENERAL / UTM grid support
July 29, 2014, 09:01:27 PM
Dear team,

Thanks for the great App!

I have just one suggestion: Could you please add support for UTM grid?

It is very useful to estimate the distance for those maps without UTM grids.

Thanks and best regards,
