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Messages - pnoman

GENERAL / Re: Misc questions (or feature requests)
August 04, 2014, 12:04:33 PM
Great to hear :-) Thanks!

I tried installing the latest beta. On this point:

> 2.-the last beta versions create that folder, you can try -->">

It looks like it creates a folder: /storage/extSdard/Android/data/com.orux.uroxmapsbeta/files, containing an empty file called oruxmaps -- thanks!

I assumed the way to do this is to 1) create a directory mapfiles in this folder, 2) change the maps folder in the settings and then 3) move the entire content of the mapfiles directory (including the cache files) to the new folder? I wasn't able to do so using ES File Explorer -- likely due to some permission issues or whatever -- but "adb shell" works :-)

Is there a way to move the files inside OruxMaps?

Is there (going to be) a way to download (vector) maps from within OruxMaps now? Looks like there are some hints of downloadability in the upgrade online resources xml file.

Also, it looks like the cache files (OruxMapsCacheImages.db etc) also moves to the new directory, once they are copied over? I guess for others doing this, it might be a good idea to purge the cached files (online and raster) before doing a move -- or especially if the "old" files are just left in the previous position.
GENERAL / Misc questions (or feature requests)
August 02, 2014, 01:31:03 PM

Thanks to the developer(s) for a nice application! I've been playing around with it a bit, comparing it to the OsmAnd+ that I'm currently using. The screen drawing seems to be faster on OruxMaps, and it also has some nice features that OsmAnd+ doesn't have -- but I guess I might be using both alongside each other, depending on whether I'm in the car (OsmAnd+) or out in nature (OruxMaps looks promising there).

I have a few questions so far:

1) How do I change the zoom to 400% or 500%? On my Samsung S4, the normal sized roadnames etc are way too small to be readable. I can change it to 300% in the settings, but it's a bit on the small side. OsmAnd+ actually uses 466% in some screens, but I'd be happy to change it to either 400% or 500% :-)

2) Is there a reasonable "safe" way to have OruxMaps use the external SD card? Android should allow full r/w access to /storage/extSdCard/Android/data/com.orux.oruxmaps/files (or something similar) -- if this directory is created/owned by the OruxMaps user, I guess. Can this be done just by creating the directory there myself, or is there a better way to have Orux place its maps etc on the external SD card?

3) Related to the zoom above, I've noticed that the text is rendered first then scaled. OsmAnd+ apparently renders the text in a larger size instead of scaling the pixels -- which means the looks is much crisper on a zoomed screen. Can I get OruxMaps to do this as well (for vector maps, I guess)?

4) When panning by "flicking" my finger across the screen, OruxMaps stops as soon as I lift the finger off the screen. Many other apps now have "intertia" built in, so the scrolling/panning continues for a while, gradually slowing down. Is this a feature that will come to OruxMaps as well or can it already be enable?

Thanks in advance,

-- Per.
GENERAL / Re: Storage on ext. sd-card under KITKAT
August 02, 2014, 01:22:30 PM
Quote from: "Joska"
... storage into a path, given by KITKAT ...

Will oruxmaps use this path for storage in the future?

I'm having this problem as well -- I would need to be able to store maps (at least) on the external SD card on my phone.

OruxMaps probably needs to be able to work with the directory /storage/extSdCard/Android/data/com.orux.oruxmaps/files or some such; and have it owned by the oruxmaps user as pr. normal.

Are there plans to have this implemented?