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Messages - bike-mike

Hi Orux,

many smartphones does not support ANT+. Unfortunately Oruxmaps does not support other bluetooth sensor devices than heartrate.

I'm now waiting since about two years for a working set of:
  • watertight android smartphone with exchangeable battery - now given but only without support of ANT+
    • an app like Oruxmaps - now given - btw. Orux is a great app I really like to use
    • a working heartrate monitor - now given with Bluetooth LE and ANT+
    • a working speed/cadence sensor - only given with ANT+

    points 1 and 4 in my list excludes each other. So I still have to wait... That's annoying...

    Please urgently add support for other bluetooth sensor types like speed & cadence (combined in one sensor), e.g. Wahoo blue sc.

    Thanks a lot.
