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Messages - umek

GENERAL / Re: Average speed or autopause!
August 27, 2014, 10:55:05 AM
Quote from: "orux"
Quote from: "umek"Hell again, ;)

I tried with 15sec and happens the same, when i stop the ride he stops counting, but when i start the ride again he increase the time i´ve been stopped. could you fix this bug???




Creo que estás viendo los datos totales, no los de cada segmento, vete a configuración--interfaz usuario--dashboard--> hay un ajuste que permite que en el cuadro de mandos se vean los datos (distancia, tiempo,...) del track completo o del último segmento.


Holla Orux :D  :D

Gracias, esta funcionando  ;)  :D

Keep up the good work  :P

Un Saludo desde Portugal!
GENERAL / Re: Average speed or autopause!
August 16, 2014, 08:44:35 PM
Hell again, ;)

I tried with 15sec and happens the same, when i stop the ride he stops counting, but when i start the ride again he increase the time i´ve been stopped. could you fix this bug???


GENERAL / Re: Average speed or autopause!
August 13, 2014, 01:45:40 PM
Holla orux,


But 15sec it´s so much time until it stops counting, could you reduce some seconds?? to 5s or 3s??

it was a nice improvement in the software ;)

Keep up the good work, i love my navigator oruxmaps!!!!!

Greetings from Portugal!

GENERAL / Average speed or autopause!
August 08, 2014, 10:15:15 PM
Holla oruxmaps desde Portugal, muchas gracias por lo software...

i´m wondering to know if its possible ajust the average speed or the auto-pause??

im allready put 1sec on the settings "auto segment no move" when i stop it stops counting, but when i start the time increase...

so in the end the avegrage speed is incorrect.

exists some settings to correct the problem??


