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Messages - caspeia

Hi Orux,

perfect!! Thanks for the quick help!!!  :)

Best regards,

Oruxmaps v5.5.22 (german)

Android 4.3

Samsung Note 2 GT-N7100

Hello Orux,

I can not export tracks any more to KML / GPX / KMZ files.

I get the following error message doing this: "Fehler beim Speichern des Tracks in Datei" ("Error while saving the track as a file").

The Track Mailing function leads to the same error message.

I mistakenly selected the routes, tracks directory /storage/UsbDriveB/. I don't have a UsbDrive. Since that I do not get any more selection of directory possibilities. I can't change the directory anymore.

I have the tracks not stored externally  :cry:  Therefore, I do not want to uninstall and reinstall oruxmaps.

Please fix that bug. If further information is needed, please tell me what you need to analyse the problem.

The app is very well done!!! I have already donate some time ago. Only this trouble sucks.

Many thanks in advance. I will donate again if the problem is fixed  :)  :idea:
