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Messages - Torgut

Hummm restarting the app made the trick after I removed those geocaches. But I will try your sequence for the future situations. I am going to Cuba where I can't bring my dedicated handheld Oregon, so it's very important that I master whatever app I chose to bring in the smartphone.
I thought I could make it go away if I canceled the "go to" I had active... but can't find a way to cancel it either. All right... I decided to delete all geocaches from the database... if the geocache goes, perhaps the go to goes, right? No. I deleted all the geocaches, but to my surprise they just... stayed. Not in the database, but in the map. So now I have two different things to get rid of: the red line and the geocaches in the map.
Panda, thanks for your effort, but after unchecking that option the red line is still there. :-(
GENERAL / Getting rid of the red line from the center...?
September 24, 2014, 07:34:37 PM
Hi there... I was wondering if there is a way to get rid of the red line from the center of the screen to what I believe is the destination point, like it's visible in this screenshot I found in your foruns:">