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Messages - Phil_Survey

ERRORES/BUGS / GPS turns off when tracklog ended
May 16, 2015, 11:57:51 AM
I don't know if this is a bug or deliberate but it is annoying in the new version. You start a new tracklog, record the track as you move, then end the tracklog (I do this a lot) but ending it now also turns off the GPS. If you are still navigating you don't want this to happen.
Sorry if there is an answer to this somewhere else...

I'm having a problem whereby map creation stops with a box that is blank and just says "OK". The db file is created but not the xml file. To get round this I have to change the "Destiny Directory" to something else (I generally just move up a level), check the "only otrk2 file" box and then run again. This time I get the "conversion finished OK!" box. Then I have to use Windows Explorer to move the xml file back to the original directory.

Anyone know why this is happening?