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Messages - PhilC

GENERAL / How to increase font on Icon labels?
March 23, 2022, 01:33:54 PM
So I am new to the forum, so sorry if this question has been asked before.  I use Orux for ATV riding in the US.  I have two versions of it on my tablet, one free one with maps from a person who tracks trails, and one I paid for from Lifetime trail maps.  They both work really well.  But on the free one the waypoint label icons are in such a small font I can't read them for the most part with out reading glasses.  I'm 53 so reading glasses are a norm.  I did google it and looked over the Orux PDF, but I can't find a way to get them to get any larger.  I'm not sure what version I have of Orux, but I did download it last year.  So it's fairly new. 

Useful input would be greatly apricated.
