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Messages - pierrepisano

MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Re: Rutas sercanas
April 26, 2015, 09:46:11 PM
Me again,

It does not match what I would need!

With the search "distance from here" one can find the tracks begining close from "here".

"distance from here" mean indeed "distance from here with the start point of the track".

And I would need:

Distance from here from one of the point from the track.

Wehn I am with the bad weather on a glacier, and when I know that I have already recorded a track here, but cannot find the track: it would be good to be abble to find it!

Thanks a lot

MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Re: Rutas sercanas
February 16, 2015, 11:36:24 AM
Thank you for this possibilty!

MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Search *.gpx in the tracks folder
February 16, 2015, 08:07:24 AM
I would like to search the nearest tracks *(.gpx files), created from Orux or not, wich are in the track folder or in under-folder.

In the tracks forlder and in under-folder, I have the tracks created from Orux, and other tracks coming from other sources.

And I would like to search in this track folder and under-folders, sorted on the distance from "here".

On the list of the result, it would be possible to tick one or more tracks to show them on the map as routes.

The possibility to search and sort the tracks on the distance from here in the database of Orux does'nt match my wish.

MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Re: Rutas sercanas
February 16, 2015, 08:00:34 AM
This function of sorting the tracks of the database on the "distance from here" does'nt match exactly waht I would need:

I don't want to search the tracks inside the database of Orux, but I would like to search the .gpx files, created from Orux or not.

In the tracks forlder and in under-folder, I have the tracks created from Orux, and other tracks coming from other sources.

And I would like to search in this track folder and under-folder, sorted on the "distance from here".

On the list of the result, it would be possible to tick one or more tracks to show them on the map as routes.

I need exactly the same :

¿se podría buscar los track guardados en la base de datos local mas cercanos al punto donde estamos?

My tracks are stored in the track fodler and in under-folder.

I would like to get the list of the stored tracks close to my position.

In the parameters manager it would be possibile to adjust these parameters:

1 how many tracks in the list of results

2 maximal distance for the research

3 if no tracks found inside the maximal search distance, show the nearest or nothing

Thanks !
