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Messages - janis59lv

December 10, 2014, 09:41:05 AM
Yeppsssk! I had seen that warning but thought it is made due just release You from unneeded legal claims as all software authors has habit to do. So I counted that warning not very serious.

But partially due the warning I had my handheld Garmin with me, however it is so small and slow, whilst android is 10 inch large. My eyesight is not so sharp as my young days. Garmin saved me.

Yet, for Your know - there is one another very annoying disturbance, what probably You are capable to solve in further Orux versions....

Just I operate the Lenovo-Yoga-10 which recognizes solely FAT32 file system. That means never bigger files than 2 GB. Yet normal average kartographic files, like Garmin .img map files stands between 3,2 and 3,9 GB typically. I solved this problem by re-formating external 64 GB SD card to the `FAT32+` which allows up to 4 GB. And Lenovo happily recognized this FAT subversion.

In the Orux instruction books stays written ""If you use kitkat or above (android >= 4.4): If you use an external sdcard to store your maps and tracks, you must move these folders to the app directory in /Android/data/com.orux.oruxmaps/files/ folder, because OruxMaps can't write inside another directory.""

But in my case this is completely impossible, because system card dont support a 3,9 GB files, only external do. But, to install whole Orux on external... that would be luring me indeed, yet I have no such option at my Lenovo apps roller. Probably I can just move all the files after installatio and it will work?? I shall experiment with this at the nearest weekend.

So, the capability to show with a finger to Orux the certain path for external card stored maps (without of writing them inside the main memory) is very essential for users.

Yet anyway, thanks for a job indeed.
December 09, 2014, 03:50:54 PM
I am sure the Orux is one of (if not most) best applications for marine navigation at yachting, and GNU licence is most brilliant out of it, but at least at my previous version is/was owful and extreme dangerours mistake.

I was sailing in the middle of sea, when somehow happened I switched out the android 10 inch tablet I use for navigation. Need to say, I was in contact with internet whilst in the coast, thus probably some bits of information was automatically got to the Oruxmaps, or who-knows-how otherhow, but  when I switched system on again, the map declined to open (principially) before I shall not download the newer version what was released that day.

Imagine now me in the middle of ocean with map which denies to open. That is a death and not literally but in very physically level. Happily I dont trust much on the computer alone and always have at least three duplicating different separate systems on the board plus as a last hope the oldie-goodie magnetic compass, thus everything got ended well - without of ship-crush. After reinstalling the Orux everything is working well.... until the next time when if I shall havent internet in middle of sea, I must die and no other choice.

To authors of program: please dont do so extreme stupid mistake in general logics of this otherhow nice software.