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Messages - sandro

MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Track turn angle warning
December 10, 2014, 07:42:02 PM
Hi, I use OruxMaps in mountainbike events, sometimes the organizer don't mark the route they just send the gpx file to the participants.

The problem is that we aren't always looking to the OruxMap app and sometimes we miss a turn, and meters after oruxmap alert us that we are out of the route.

Its possible to send a warning like in a waypoint, that a turn is near?

In this way we prevent the out of route alarm and to do sometimes lots of meters backwards and lose rhythm.

In the config settings we could define the angle of the turn that we receive the alarm, like for example less than 90º, and every turn with an angle less than 90º the app generate a warning like the waiponts warnings.


Hi, in routes with 50km or 70km or 100km it's very useful to know at witch point we are in the route/track that we are following, so, it's possible in the statistics of the track in the graphic option to show our position in the altimetry graphic?


hi, it would be very useful to color the track line that we are following by it's by %grade or altitude, in this way we could see the difficulty of the terrain.

Great App by the way ;)

