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Messages - Rycho


I have the same issue. It's impossible to use orux.

I have killed "ANT Radio Service" and  "ANT+ Plugin Service". Alarms stoped, but "ANT sensor Icon" on orux map was slill visible. Alarms returned after start of tracking.
December 17, 2014, 02:17:21 PM
Hi, Orux. I love your application and use it all the time (almost   ;)  )

I'd like to suggest you some cosmetics improvements:

1. Measure tool - possibility of measure small path distances. It is not covenient to create new path to calculate distance trough 3 streets. I use to measure 3 times on every segment and add result. By the way - old icon (ruler) was better

2. Distance units - kilometers with 3 decimal points or meters wihtout decimals. I use meters, but decimal points aren't useful.

3. Manage tracks/routes - track list. Possibility to NOT display distance to current point. There is no place in single line on small screen.

4. Track/edit properties/type - use reduced set of types / user types definition. Every user uses only a few activities. If any is not default I must search in large list. I will never use 90% of them, like snowboard or flying. Another user may not like bicycles :)

5. Route statistics/partial - fix format & align numbers to right. Display 4.00 km, not 4, it is not very clear to see 3.02 over 4 centered horizontally in one column. New verion of table is much beter than prevoius, but with fixed format and align will be perfect.

6. Intents to Oruxmaps - position, address & gpx file. When any other application sends intent to oruxmaps, then oruxmaps opens, but nothing happens. I imagine creating waypoints or showing position on lat-lon intent, and load gpx track on gpx file.

7. Hide left & right button bar on request, like bottom panel. I set auto-hide button bars after few seconds, but like one-touch hide of bottom panel.