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Messages - DenisDespair

MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Elevation profile usability
January 01, 2015, 09:06:09 PM
Hello. I'm a bicycling enthusiast from Finland. I have been searching for an app able to show my position on the elevation profile of the planned route. Quite many apps are able to show/calculate elevation profile, but Orux seems to be the only one able to show current position on it. It is quite important during bike touring, because I would like to know which uphills I have passed, and which are still ahead.

I'm very happy to use this app, since it provides the above mentioned unique feature, but I think it can be improved further. Namely:

1) Major issue. Elevation profile in small square dashboard is simply not readable. On the left screenshot you can see profile for 80 km route with 1 km of total ascend (as visible in the tiny dashboard). Too tight zigzag, hard to read. Zooming of it doesn't work properly either (right screenshot). In order to use zoom, it is necessary to have possibility to zoom within only one axis, usually horizontal. In the current version, you zoom simultaneously over both axes, making profile more detailed, but again unreadable (top and bottom are not visible!). Scrolling in the zoomed region doesn't help much either.">">

Proposed solutions:

Make possibility to show profile as a long stripe over the map in landscape mode, this will make it less dense. Add better zoom. Or make position marker available in full screen profile (see #2)

2) If I open statistics section of the route (with "follow route" mode on and GPS on) to see the profile on full screen, my position is not marked there. That's sad because I could just switch sometimes to that window to see my position on the profile instead of using tiny dashboard. And the same issue with zoom (see #1) on both axes is observed.

3) I usually use"> page for calculation of route elevation. If I save GPX from there and load to Orux, everything works fine - I can see the elevation profile. If I build my own route in Orux, than elevation profile can not be calculated, I see plain line there with zero altitude everywhere. It is not a big deal to load GPX files, but it would be nice to calculate profiles within one program.

4) Minor thing: if I load a route from GPX file and select "follow" in the appeared menu, than position indication on elevation profile works fine. If I do already have a loaded route, than go to menu "route" -> "follow route", the following mode starts and works fine (including proximity alarms) but position on profile is not shown. That's strange, that the same function turned on from different menus works differently.

It would be really great if usability of this program can be improved. :)