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Messages - dasorsan

GENERAL / New microsd -> data folder is lost
March 11, 2017, 03:17:11 PM
My microsd has dead. I have installed I new one but folder extsdcard/android/data/com.orux.oruxmap wasnt available and i havent found a way to force orux to make it, so I have had to reinstall orux (i didnt feel like to manually make it)

My quesyion is, is there anyway to force orux to create that folder?

GENERAL / Re: Measuring Altitude
January 23, 2015, 12:54:16 PM
I think it works like this: we can have 2 independents altitude fields: dem altitude (showed with D in the mountain icon) and just altitude (mountain icon without D), and this one can be set to gps/baro/dem altitude from sensors>gps settings (i suposse that unchecking dem and baro altitudes means activating gps altitude). But its strange, because if I have in screen both data fields, dem altitude and just altitude set to dem, they are not always displaying the same value.

I can see an option to autocalibrate barometer, isn't this what you are looking for, Uwe?
GENERAL / Re: Measuring Altitude
January 22, 2015, 11:11:38 PM
I dont know if im doing something wrong, but with GPS OFF i cant have barometric altitude and isnt possible to calibrate it with a known possition. What i've understood is we have dem altitudes and gps/barometric (only one of these) altitudes. But i dont understand why is necesary turn gps on to use barometric altitude or calibrate it. Barometric altitude should work with gps off, should'nt it?

in sensors>gps settings we can toggle between baro altitude/dem altitude/gps altitude but, on the other hand, we have an independent dem altitude button to put in information panel. Im confussed.