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Messages - JanickGers

GENERAL / Re: Temperature info in track
March 01, 2015, 10:26:20 AM
Hi Orux, thanks for your response.

So no plans for implementing this feature? Even with an alert like "Using the internal temp sensor of your phone could lead to inaccurate readings, you are advised"?

I found out that temp readings of my phone are pretty accurate if you don't keep it in your pocket.
GENERAL / Re: Temperature info in track
January 25, 2015, 03:20:08 PM
Hi Uwe,

that for sure, but I always keep my cell strapped to my backpack during my hikes ;)

Since oruxmaps support ANT+ temperature sensors I think it would be possible to use internal sensors of the smartphone.
GENERAL / Temperature info in track
January 24, 2015, 06:25:48 PM
Hello there,

first of all, congratulation orux for your wonderful app, there's nothing better on the store!!!

I have a Galaxy Note 3 with temperature sensor, and the current temperature is correctly visible in the app, but is not logged in the track.

Is it possible to have it on the track, so when I upload the GPX to my Garmin Connect account I have also this cool information?

Here the screenshot">

Thanks in advance!