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Messages - jcs

Quote from: "orux"I will try to add this option again, for people who use a lot of maps in the maps folder.


Thank you Orux,

That is  good news.

Using Oruxmaps on a boat requires often numerous small and big charts.
Quote from: "orux"...Are all your maps in its own directory? (you don't have selected a generic directory, like the sdcard root, in Settings--Maps--maps directory).

May be I have to return to the old way (a setting to skip the new chack system).


Thank you Orux to consider this problem.

I did my tests with the two solutions. Maps either on the Oruxmaps folder on the memory of the smartphone or on a new folder on the additional sdcard. The behavior is the same.

I think to return to the old option to check and rebuild or not the maps database would be a good solution.
ERRORES/BUGS / The application starts very slowly
February 08, 2015, 05:23:27 PM
I refer to my last post in "comments" chapter.  I think it's more correct if it be here.

Quote from: "orux"The 'skip check option' was removed because for some time the application makes a quick check to see if there are new maps in the maps folder. This check is very slow if the app finds new maps, because it has to recreate a internal database with the metadata of the maps.

It may be that there is some wrong map (a file with .map extension that is not a map, rmap not supported, ...) which makes each time the application is started, it has to do the slow check. If the wrong map is not removed, the start is always slow.


I have not solved my problem. I did not find anything wrong in my maps.

Version 4.8 starts instantly. 6.0.2 takes about 10 minutes with 280 offline maps. 2 minutes with 30 maps.

With option  "Skip map check" ckecked ot not the result is the same with version 4.8: if I turn off the smartphone, then turn back and launches  4.8 and still with 280 cards, the start is always immediate. Message "Generating data maps" appears but disappears immediately.

If I understand correctly, OM at the beginning of a session checks if there are no new cards in the map folder. This is my case. All my cards were built by OruxmapsDesktop so I assume that they are all correct.

So this control should be very fast. It is very very slow with version 6.0.2. As there is no new maps, internal data base should not be rebuilt. Am I wrong?

Also I note another curious behavior with version 6.0.2. If I choose a map from the list ("Switch map"), it is often but not always another one of the same folder that appears, but sometimes also an online map. With "Switch map here" or with "Map index" the selection is correct.

These observations are valid with 2 different devices with 2 different Android.

Thank you to consider the different behavior of the two releases.
Hi Orux,

Thank you for your prompt answer.

I think you put your finger on the problem since the format of maps has not changed.

I'll introduce maps gradually and see which ones cause this slow startup.

I'll let you know the result.
After a night of reflection I wonder if the format of Oruxmaps maps has not changed slightly. This would explain why the new versions of Oruxmaps always begin with conversion.

My maps were generated by Desktop version 2.0.20 and I see that there is a new version of this program.
I'm a new user (for sailing in South Britain). Oruxmaps is a very good, very friendly and very complete application. Thank you and congratulations for all this work for many years. The developer does not often receives encouragement, I never fail to do so because I think many people do not realize the amount of work done voluntarily.  I know the subject. I develevop free software for Windows users.


I have installed two Oruxmaps releases on a Samsung Note 2 smartphone (Android 4.4.2) and on a Sony Xperia2 tablet (Android 4.4.4). One release is a very old one.

I have installed approximately 280 offline maps (Oruxmaps format) with overlapping areas on the second sd card.

I see the same behaviour on these two devices:

With Oruxmaps release 4.8.., exists a check quote " Skip map check" (Checked for me). Launching Oruxmaps is always very quick. Immediate.

With Oruxmaps release 6.0.2, this check quote doesn't exist.  Starting Oruxmaps takes a very, very long time 10, sometimes 20 minutes.

Did I forget to do something that would prevent reconstruct the maps database to each launch?

Thank You