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Messages - donkydonk2

Gracias por tu consejo. Eso sería una forma de lograr lo mismo teniendo en cuenta que hay un error en la aplicación, pero no cambia que haya un error.

El doble 'finishing point' aparece siempre, no solamente cuando uno los segmentos.
I noticed other bugs when importing that gpx track. Whether they are connected with the bug from joining the segments or not I don't know. You can see the original list of waypoints, which have different time stamps. The imported waypoints, however, are all dated for 19:00 Dec 31, 1969. When I look at any waypoint in detail, though, the information is still there and still correct. It just seems to be displayed wrong in the list of waypoints.

Also, when I changed the colour of a segment and then exported it to gpx, I could load that track in Google Earth on my computer and see the colours just as I chose them. When I import that track back into oruxmaps, however, I don't see any colours anymore. They are simply gone.

Another strange thing you can see in the original list is that most waypoints are doubled. That doesn't seem to make any sense to me, why the app make two copies of the same waypoint that are exactly the same.

And finally, there is a button on the top right which has a double arrow within a box (second button from the right, just below the wifi symbol). This button doesn't do anything and I didn't find any description anywhere on what it should do.

Thanks for maintaining this app. I love it and I only came across all these bugs because I started exploring some of the wonderful features I had never used before. Keep at it!
I tried to export the messed up track to gpx and then import it again. The result was quite interesting. The two segments switched back into the right order, as you can also see in the graph that no longer has the jump in elevation. The statistics of the imported track also have the correct start and finish time now, but the elevation gain and loss is still wrong. You can easily check that by looking at the graph and see that the elevation gain and loss are both too high.

This seems to mean that some of the things that were messed up by joining two segments were fixed by exporting and importing again, but other things remained messed up.

One thing that maybe helped to fix the wrong elevation gain after import was correcting the altitude through the dem files. Since I don't have the very original file from before joining the two segments anymore, I unfortunately cannot test whether that would then be the correct elevation gain.
I love oruxmaps and also the new version 9! Maybe apart from the bugs that I recently came across which made me see a number of other bugs. Apologies for the long post, which entails the next two replies.

After recording a track with several segments, I used the feature to join two segments together. In my example, I had three segments and joined together the first two (Segment 1 and Segment 2). What happened, though, is that the new segment was moved to the end of the list of segments, which messed up the whole track in a number of ways. You can see in the photos that the joint segment was automatically labelled as Segment 1 and moved to the end of the list, which is after Segment 3. The graph shows that this produced a jump in elevation at around 3 km, because the two segments are supposed to be the other way round. The statistics screenshot shows that the elevation gain is now messed up, and also the start and finish time (finish time is earlier than start time).

In short, joining two segments messed up the whole track.

I did this two weeks ago with version 9.0.2 but only get to post it now.