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Messages - JoeBiker

GENERAL / Re: Distance to the next waypoint along a track
February 17, 2015, 10:12:14 PM
Quote from: "orux"
Quote from: "JoeBiker"

Hi, Jorg;

Not yet; may be in a next version,


Hi Orux,

that would be great!  :D

Maybe it would be also nice to see the next waypoint name on the dashboard.

I will DONATE extra for it! Oruxmaps is a great software!

Happy greetings,

GENERAL / Distance to the next waypoint along a track
February 08, 2015, 01:24:08 PM

I have a track with some waypoint logically associated whith it.

When I start a routing with this track, it is possible to see the distance to the next waypoint along this track?

Best regards,
