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Messages - dhroller

Are you telling us that you have no backup?
December 04, 2018, 02:03:19 PM
Technically it seems to work, however it is so incredibly slow that it's virtually unusable (I'm connected to a highspeed Internet). Is there a way of downloading the files and install them similiar to openandromaps?


I'm not sure that I understand what you want. If you want to look at/manage the Orux folders on your smartphone from Windows, you need a tool for this. I suggest you install myPhoneExplorer.


ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Search route dont works
February 15, 2016, 02:12:57 PM
What happened; I recall that graphhopper worked a while ago..


I tried it again with the 6.5.0b version. It starts downloading the map; however the map is not stored..

- dieter
GENERAL / Suggestion
January 22, 2016, 08:11:15 PM
It is possible to implement a mechanism so that I receive only topics with English as the conversation language. I have subcribed to all topics; as the majority of the topics seem to use Spanish as the language, I receive a plethora of eMails for topics that I can not comprehend as my knowledge of the Spanish language is rather limited.


Good evening,

problem 1 went away after I copied the maps directly into the maps directory.

Problem 2 remains. My map directory is /storage/emulated/0/oruxmpas/mapfiles/. I know that it worked under RC6 beta, since I was teaching an OruxMaps course two days ago and added the fast installation of openandromaps to my presentation. The folks at openandromaps tell me that they haven't changed anything. Strange..


Strangely as it sounds, when I downloaded both versions today, they seem to have the same code base with the free version now having the same functionality as the donate version.

However, I'm not sure, but I do have the suspicion that the released code is not the RC6 beta code. Here are two examples:

1. The maps pull down menue does not have the mapsforge entries

2. The dynamic installation of maps and themes from"> does not work anymore


The donate version 6.5 seems to be some back level release; only the free version is ok. Could please somebody verify this?


GENERAL / Re: Import track
January 19, 2016, 11:18:59 AM
Ooohps ..  I saw an extra screen poping up, which I did not expect. So I stopped testing; I wrongfully assumed that the function has been changed to exporting to a destination. I do like the change, in particular the capability to go to GPSSies for downloading tracks. I have one more question: Is it possible to select any folder on my Smartphone when importing a track?


GENERAL / Import track
January 18, 2016, 07:03:06 PM
I just upgraded to OruxMaps 6.5. I'm unable to locate the import track button/function. Could somebody please tell me where it went to.


GENERAL / Re: Multitracking
January 17, 2016, 10:36:15 AM
I have the same problem - no eMail received after registration

MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Re: Support of mapsforge 0,5
January 09, 2016, 09:09:17 PM
I've been told end of November in the beta forum, that the new version will be released within 7-10 days..

MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / End User Interface harmonization
December 23, 2015, 10:53:49 AM
I recommend that before adding any new functions, that the end user interface is harmonized. For example, I have identified at least four different styles for selecting an item in a list (Load KML/GPX file, Manage tracks/routes, mapsforge themes, waypoints)..

Merry XMas

BETAS / Routing via Graphhopper
December 02, 2015, 11:58:04 AM
Selection of graphhopper in the routing dialogue results in an error message (something along the line of not available (translated from German)). I'm wondering whether the selector is just a place holder of something to come later or whether my setup is not correct.

