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Messages - Herb Fargus

As far as I understand the application, when you go into 3d view, based off of your location, .hgt DEM data is downloaded from this dataset:"> (i.e. 3 Arcsecond Resolution)

My guess is the 3 arc second option was chosen as a means to conserve space/ include people that are outside of the United States as the higher resolution DEM data for the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (i.e. STRM1 ("> 1 arcsecond DEMS) only includes the United States.

So my request would be- is it possible to include a choice so that when you go into the 3D view in Oruxmaps to have an option to choose between SRTM3 data ("> for those outside of the United States or for those who don't have as much memory in their phones, and SRTM1 data ("> for those in the United States that have the memory to spare for a higher resolution DEM Data?