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Messages - Pointaero

ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Java error on MOBAC map
March 15, 2023, 04:53:15 AM
 When I hit the refresh maps button on the maps page.
ERRORES/BUGS / Java error on MOBAC map
March 12, 2023, 11:53:27 PM
I made a map using MOBAC 2.3.1 64 bit version but get this error when trying to reload maps- '' on a null object reference'.  What is this and how do I avoid it?  The map will not load because of the error.  The other 15 maps in the mapfiles directory work fine.  Is it the 64 bit version of MOBAC?  My other maps were made with the 32 bit version. I used OpenJDK for Java 64 bit runtime but the MOBAC directory says that only GPX tracks have an issue with that software- doesn't mention anything about maps.  I'm using OruxmapsGP 9.6.3GP. I have done the procedure to continue to use the SD card for my maps directory. Shouldn't have an effect, no?
Track displays fine until I zoom in or, especially out and the map redraws.  The last 20 minutes or so of the track disappear and the app draws a line between a point earlier recorded and straight to the cursor. It then continues to record the track until the map is zoomed again.  The track is lost for good.  When exporting to a KMZ the track is displayed (on Google earth) the same as on Oruxmaps- with those track parts gone.  I've tried numerous setting changes (GPS source fusion on-off, internal or external GPS, changes in track recording, etc.) and nothing has helped.  It's making Oruxmaps useless.

Has anyone else had this issue and what did you do to get rid of it?
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Loading KMZ/KML layers
March 28, 2019, 03:32:54 AM
Hello again:

I have loaded 7.3.7 and all errors are fixed!  Thanks much.   :D

ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Loading KMZ/KML layers
October 03, 2018, 06:55:54 AM
Hello again Orux:

I have tried loading multiple kmz files at the same time but it still crashes the app unless I load only one at a time, even in 7.2.7.  Any fix yet?

Also, in the newer 7.0 and higher versions, if I start a new segment in the same track, the app does a continue track instead of a segment track- in other words- it it connects the previous and new segment with a straight line.  It used to allow seperate segments without the continued line but the 7.0 versions won't do this anymore.

Also having problems with maps now.  I have numerous maps for the same areas and when I change to one map it works fine unless i try to zoom in on that map.  At that point it changes back to the previous map.  I have selected "never" in the auto load options but there's no change.  Also my maps will not refresh. Do I need to do a data clear in the apps settings on the device.

My device is a Samsung Tab S2, 32gb & 128gb card. The maps are stored on the card.

ERRORES/BUGS / Loading KMZ/KML layers
March 03, 2018, 08:16:24 PM
Hi Orux. GREAT app- been using it for a few years now in aerial survey and have success making my own maps (USGS Topo's) and recording tracks etc.  

Issue- I usually load about three to 5 kmz layers for lines, points and labeled waypoints.  When I go to "Load "layer it shows all the layers with the checkbox but will only load one of the layers checked if I check four or five to load. So I have to go through the load layer process 4 or 5 times to get all the layers I need.

I'm running v. 7.0.2.  Is this fixed in 7.2.7 or am I doing something wrong?

I no longer have the problem> I believe it had to do with the fact that Oruxmaps keeps previously viewed file details in cache "memory" so that if the file is of the same name but it changes, Oruxmaps sees the same file name, thinks it's the same version as the old file of the same name, and uses data for that file from cache instead of reading the data in the updated version of the file.  I especially had this issue with redone USGS maps (using Mobile Atlas Creator- MOBAC) in which I had added some area to the mapfile but kept the same name for the map file.  Oruxmaps went to the cache for the corner points of the map (which was the old version lat/longs of the corners) and scaled the map incorrectly as a result.  Hitting the Refresh button in the "switch maps" page, or unchecking the "skip map check" box in the maps global settings page cures the problem.

Hope this helps

GENERAL / kmz/kml line/point properties
December 28, 2016, 04:06:03 AM
kmz/kml lines/points have properties associated with them- such as the "name" field.  Oruxmaps does read and display the "name" field if checked in the preferences. Is there any way to read and or display any of the other fields besides "name"?

Thks for the reply
When I copy a saved kmx file from MyPlaces in Google earth, and then open that file in Oruxmaps, all the points in the kmz file are shifted off the actual point (lat/long).  It seems to have to do with the scaling function of the zoom level because the point shift/displacement seems to be the same number of pixels on any zoom level- so, when you have it on a wide zoom view the points are a mile off, and then when you zoom in they are only a hundred feet off.  When I open the file in Google earth, the points are correct with no shift.

Any suggestions on why this is happening?  It only happened after I change the point positions and re-saved the kmz file in Google Earth.

Thanks for any help you can give.
