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Messages - Henk

GENERAL / Re: auto saving tracks
July 07, 2022, 02:13:53 PM
I notice something: If I select the option to add details at the end of a track, and confirm that with the 'V' on top
of the screen the tracks are exported. If I accept by just hitting the 'back' button the track is saved in the database, but not exported.
So that solved it. I usually hit the back button to exit a screen.
I disabled the option to add details at the end and tracks are now exported without additional input.

There are a few other things I noticed e.g.: Orux keeps reminding me of about energy saving when starting a track.
But that is not needed, tracking in Orux performs just fine with battery usage set to optimized on both Android 11 and 12.

But as for this post: problem solved.

GENERAL / auto saving tracks
June 30, 2022, 08:40:28 PM
Hi all,

I've been using an older OM for ten years now. But due to a recent Android 12 phone had to start with the new version.
Anyway, after a very, very steep learning curve I've got almost everything working.
Except one: autosaving gpx/kml after tracking. I can export from the database, but autosave is not working anymore.
OM version is 9.0.3 , scoped storage is working, and all folders are accessible from within Orux.

So .. what new setting did I miss.