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Messages - robbas

GENERAL / Routing directions
March 23, 2015, 10:18:47 PM
Hi all,

Maybe this was discussed many times, but I must admit that I did not find any appropiate answer...

I want to use Oruxmaps occasionally for navigating through the city and I'm not familiar with all the functions, yet.

Creating a route is somehow easy, activating the waypt. navigation (and not only follow route) for getting direction information was not that intuitive...

Is there any possibility for recalculating the route if you've left the calculated route?

How can I display the next waypoint's route direction arrows bigger (left/right/go ahead) on the screen, because when I'm on the bike I don't like haveing ear phones in my ears and I just want to look at the phone's screen.

Either like on the top left corner (source:">">

or by just increasing the size of the arrows on the map

Maybe that's just a translation (german) issue, but figuring out that you can display the distance to the next waypoint on the screen by activating the distance-to-destination function (not distance-to-nextWP) was quite confusing. I think the two options are interchanged.

