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Messages - Machisi

Good morning,

first of all thank you for the great work you are doing on OM.

I'm an user of this app from more or less 3 years and I'm very satified about it.

In last release I have seen that there is a new menu item "Cadence/Spedd BT 4.0".

I think that by now it is only for devices like Garmin that have both function in only one sensor.

I recently have bought the new sensors from Polar (for V800 or V650) for cadence and speed (Bluetooth smart) but they are two separate sensors.

I have tried to use them, OM can recognize them when I search but when I select one of the two sensor nothing appens. (I start the selected sensor from the menu, it is recognized by OM, but no data is diplayed either in speed or cadence). I'm currently using a BT Polar smart heart monitor (H7 model) with OM and everything it's working ok.

So my question is: is it possible to use such sensors with OM?

In case of yes can someone give me few instruction about.

In case of no, have you planned to develop separate Bluetooth smart sensor for cadence and speed?

My mobile is a Samsung Gran Duos SM-G7012 with android 4.4.2

Thank you very much for you reply.
