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Messages - seanf711

MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Solicitud de funciĆ³n
September 15, 2015, 04:40:47 PM
He creado un programa aplicativo que junta una aplicacion de comunicaciones con Orux. Ahora estoy creando un archivo ("file") de GPX que pienso enviar a Orux. Me gustaria encontrar la posibilidad de tener una opcion en las colocaciones ("settings") que permitiria que pudiera hacer desaparecer la ventana que aparece con las opciones del GPX, permitiendo que el GPX se abra sin avisos. Me puede ayudar?

Gracias por su ayuda,

MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Request for settings option.
July 13, 2015, 06:17:23 AM
I have created an app that pushes a gpx file to Orux that I create on the fly.  The dialog to select the gpx options comes up each time the gpx is refreshed and the map center is changed. Is it possible to have an option in settings that allowed for the suppression of the dialog and to not recenter the map? If so it would give me what I am looking for.


I have also implemented a version that uses the Intent that allos for the loading of a gpx that I create on the fly.  I think it gives me what I would want to accomplish, but the dialog to select the gpx options comes up each time the gpx is refreshed.  If there was a flag for the intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW that allowed for the suppression of the dialog and to not recenter the map, it would give me what I am looking for.


I think some people do you Tasker with Orux.  That is definitely not what I am trying to accomplish.  The intents are documented here:">  on the last page.
I am with a Wilderness Search and Rescue group out of AZ,USA.  Quite a few of us use Orux for back country navigation.  I am also a software developer.  I have created an app to push data in to Orux, but I am seeing that for what I want to do that the API does not support everything.

  I have a need to push data in for multiple tracks.  As the data comes in, I would be adding to existing tracks.  If there was something like this:

        double[] targetLat = {32.20128, 32.20247, 32.202554};

        double [] targetLon = {-110.76152, -110.76706, -110.76206};

        Intent i = new Intent("com.oruxmaps.VIEW_MAP_ONLINE");

        i.putExtra("targetLatPoints", targetLat);

        i.putExtra("targetLonPoints", targetLon);

       i.putExtra("trackName", "Track 1");



If there was something similar to what is shown in red, that would either create a track if there is not one already named that, and if there is already one by that name, it adds to the exiting track.

Next, for waypoints, would it be possible to add a flag that allows for the map to not jump to the newly created waypoint?

For anyone curious, I am building an app that bridges Orux and this app:"> .  

