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Messages - chrisontour84

GENERAL / Re: Help me please :)
May 01, 2015, 05:13:57 PM
Hm no one else with some help on how to visualize it? I would like to use openstreetmap, there must be way to get the track displayed there??
GENERAL / Re: Help me please :)
April 23, 2015, 05:41:56 AM
Is that the same as Google Maps Engine plus? Thats what im using already but i dont know how to add GPX files to it!
GENERAL / Re: Help me please :)
April 23, 2015, 02:14:16 AM
Hm i see.. and how can i get the map up to openstreetmap please?

Nothing shows up there after importing the .GPX...">
GENERAL / Help me please :)
April 18, 2015, 03:50:40 PM
Hey there! I used OruxMaps for a couple of times for my hikes in El Chalten and now just returning from Torres del Paine but I am having troubles understanding or it is a bug, I am not sure and maybe you can help me :)

I understand that the App records both total and moving time, I am only interested in the actual moving time and not in the time I spent standing somewhere. I already adjusted my interface to only show the actual moving time and I make 100% sure that I stop recording over night and then start it again the next morning when I start hiking. However, for some reason the App still records a huge overall MOVING time! For instance in my 5 day Torres del Paine hike it recorded 131.99 km in 122 hours and 26 minutes, which I certainly did not move hehe :)

As a result, it shows me an average moving speed of 1.07km/h and the interesting option of checking how far a point is away on a map is a bit useless as well because it tells me huge times for small difference because its based on the average moving speed I suppose.

Can someone help me with this please?

I am also looking for a way to display my tracks and waypoints created in OruxMaps on the web to eventually put it on my blog. I created an account on but can't find a way to actually visualize the maps.

Thanks so much
