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Messages - Skaistis


As I expected this issue occurs because of different time sources for HRM and GPS logs.

HRM time in track log is taken from phones clock.

GPS time in track log is taken from satellite(?).

So in result you will always have some time offset because satellite clock and phone clock will differ.

Is this a bug or expected behavior?
ERRORES/BUGS / HRM data is out of sync with GPS data
April 21, 2015, 12:08:10 AM
For some time my logged HRM data (ANT+) is delayed compared to GPS data. This issue appears in oruxmaps statistics and exported files (samples below).

Could it be because my phone (android v.2.3.4) is disconnected from mobile network (I've removed its SIM card) and it cannot sync time automatically? If this is the case, how could I solve the issue without mobile networks?


For example offset in GPX file:

[Start of HRM data]
<om:oruxmapsextensions xmlns:om="">
<om:ext type="TYPE" subtype="0">0</om:ext>
78 2015-04-19T14:38:43Z
78 2015-04-19T14:38:44Z
77 2015-04-19T14:38:45Z
75 2015-04-19T14:38:46Z

[Start of GPS data]

<trkpt lat="54.6797272" lon="25.2513557">
<trkpt lat="54.6797786" lon="25.2513500">
<trkpt lat="54.6798438" lon="25.2513266">
<trkpt lat="54.6798949" lon="25.2513027">