So, I understand teleskopix probably set the coordinate system to the "standard" one, which may not be supported by this WMS service?
The service states EPSG:3912, which stands for the specific Slovenian projection based on Bessel 1841 and a specific datum, which is also used in the old scanned maps which I'm using with TB (I recall having to set up the projection when processing the maps for use with TB, and there the datum file is a separate issue causing offset if not provided).
The service also declares CRS:84 - is perhaps this of use? It appears to be in closer relation to EPSG:4326
Excerpt from
Code Select
<Layer queryable="1">
<Title>DTK50 - SI.GURS.RASTRI.DTK50</Title>
<Abstract>Drzavna topografska karta merila 1: 50 000</Abstract>
<BoundingBox CRS="CRS:84" maxx="16.71489442579408" maxy="47.01334314955279" minx="13.283489096148475" miny="45.357706934961904"/>
<BoundingBox CRS="EPSG:3912" maxx="630781.624406076" maxy="207724.961260856" minx="369832.5829557097" miny="25060.632245599554"/>
<MetadataURL type="FGDC">
<OnlineResource xlink:href="" xlink:type="simple"/>
<Abstract>Stil za DTK50</Abstract>
<LegendURL height="20" width="20">
<OnlineResource xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="" xlink:type="simple"/>
Quote from: "orux"Quote from: "_sem_"
Moreover, the maps, DEM and tracklogs directories seem to revert to the main storage (sdcard0) from the external SD card where I've put them because I'm low on main storage, so other cached maps disappear... a bug or intended?
When you change those files by hand, you have to refresh the map list (button ath the top button bar in the map selector view). But if you refresh the map list, the folders of maps, tracks,.. are not changed, strange problem...
I've exited Orux, changed the files, restarted Orux, and then also tried refresh.
I thought the problem could be due to an error when parsing a bad xml config file... then that Orux would think the whole folders setup is corrupt and regenerate the default folders (I have