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Messages - oanavodo


If I load a GPX track the previous loaded track is implicitly removed. I haven't find a way to load more than one GPX track simultaneously (although all loaded without navigation).

1. Sometimes I intend to combine two tours when I go for biking. So I would like to load the GPX tracks of both tours. Only in this case I can't miss the point where to switch to the other track.

2. For many of my bike tours I have planned more than one uphill or downhill alternatives. All of them are separate GPX tracks, so I can combine them as I like. So it would be great to load alternative tracks additionally to the basic track. So I can follow the basic track until the start point of an alternative and then switch to the other track (or not). Currently I either miss the start point of the alternative since it is not visible or I can't see the basic route anymore if I prematurely load the alternative.

It would be great if oruxmaps allows to load multiple tracks simultaneously.


