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Messages - wsnyder

MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Re: Option to disable rotation
August 12, 2015, 10:55:25 PM
Bingo, thanks much!
MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Re: Option to disable rotation
August 12, 2015, 08:41:37 PM
Sorry, maybe I am confused but when I disable "Application -> Auto Rotation" which I think is what you are suggesting, the screen will still rotate when I move my fingers to request a rotation, which is what I am trying to disable.   (Also the description of the option says it only applies to the sensor, not to manual rotation. If it is also supposed to apply to manual rotation it might be worth rewording this.)
ERRORES/BUGS / Allow deleting imported waypoints
August 12, 2015, 03:18:00 PM
I import waypoints from e.g. a kml file.  I then use Waypoints->Manage waypoints to put them onto my map, and can see them of course.

However when I click on one of those waypoints there is no "delete" as with manually created waypoints.  Please make a delete button - or at least a "remove from map" button.   The only alternative way to do this now is to delete them in the waypoint manager, but to do that you need to find the proper name for the coordinates of the waypoint to delete, which is obviously quite inconvenient.

When deleting a waypoint in the manage waypoints, please remove them from the map.

If I manually create a waypoint (hold->create waypoint) I can then delete it, and it will disappear from the map.

If I go to waypoints->manage, and delete a waypoint, the waypoints will remain on the map.  When I exit orux maps completely (kill the process) then restart orux maps, the deleted ones will disappear.

Thanks for the great tool!
MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Option to disable rotation
August 12, 2015, 03:12:44 PM
I have my map set to always north up (Map->Map Mode->Map North up), however when trying to zoom I occasionally end up rotating the map by accident, which causes great confusion until I realize the problem.   Please add an option to disable the rotation gesture.  Thanks!