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Messages - JerryW

GENERAL / Re: viewing .img files in Orux maps
June 24, 2015, 02:20:36 PM
Quote from: "eartrumpet"
If you just want some good maps, ... [snipped] .

That is very helpful, thank you! Sorry for slow response, I have been away:">// but I will look at your suggestions

I do think that for most users (certainly for me) orux app and the stuff underlying gps technology are too technical and complex to manage easily. That is not meant to denigrate those of you who can manage, and enjoy doing so.. on the contrary I am envious :-)

GENERAL / Re: viewing .img files in Orux maps
June 17, 2015, 11:02:58 PM
Quote from: "eartrumpet"
Quote from: "JerryW"Thank you for the suggestion. I tried that, but could not find a result that I could understand. I am afraid I am beginning to think orux maps are just for geeks that think a command prompt is cool.. sorry folks. Are any of you actual walkers that want to help someone that just walks?

Maybe you're asking a bit too much. Supporting Garmin maps isn't a standard task for a none Garmin app, it is definitely a bit geeky. So you went into that territory, that was your choice, no need to get rude.

There a lots of different (and open) map standards that are much easier too handle, and OruxMaps is supporting lots of them.

Best regards,


Rude? How? I just want to walk in the Spanish Pyrenees as well as in the French Pyrenees. Finding French maps that work on my android phone is easy; finding Spanish ones that do seems to be impossible. i don't have a garmin anything but a friend gave me a link to a set of spanish maps that presumably were designed for use on garmin equipment.. I am not able to understand the more esoteric software and procedures that seem to be necessary.

I am sorry, perhaps I have come to the wrong place. Thank you anyway
GENERAL / Re: viewing .img files in Orux maps
June 17, 2015, 07:37:10 PM
Thank you for the suggestion. I tried that, but could not find a result that I could understand. I am afraid I am beginning to think orux maps are just for geeks that think a command prompt is cool.. sorry folks. Are any of you actual walkers that want to help someone that just walks?
GENERAL / viewing .img files in Orux maps
June 08, 2015, 11:10:37 AM
Hi.. I'm new to Orux Maps, sorry in advance for any stupids

I have acquired a (free) map of the Spanish Pyrenees, consisting of about 400mb of .img files. It also has .tdb and .mdx files, such that it will autoinstall itself as a single map on Garmin Basecamp. So far so good..

What I would like is to be able to view the map as a single map in Orux. What I have done so far is to load a folder containing all the files into the mapfile folder of Orux. Now I can view individual map tiles in Orux. If I scroll the map past the boundary of a tile it will load me the next tile automatically, but:

- it is slow

- the new tile opens at a large scale regardless of what scale you were on before

so it is hardly seamless! Is there any way to get it to present as a single map as it does in basecamp?

also, please could someone explain how to move the default mapfile folder from the main phone memory, onto my sd card?

Thanks in advance for any help