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Messages - ianL

Hello Orux

I accept that in normal map download operation orux does not empty these files But that is most certainly what happened to me The initiating action occurred in orux Whether orux or some other app did the damage I cannot tell But the primary suspect is obvious

I have a file manager (not running at time) but do not have cleaner or similar app

As before my intention is to encourage users to back up occasionally to PC  Even to SD card in dummy folder should help but does not cover phone loss

Thanks for reply

The following account is just for the record and to encourage users to do additional back-up to PC as recommended in the OM manual

I recently updated to Ver 6.5.6 (via your .apk link) and that solved the crashing problems I had with ver 6.5.5

I normally use a browser to download OAM maps to my OruxMaps folder on extSD card  However, today I attempted to download a new map from OAM using OM (Maps/Switch map/+) and in OAM website pressing "Install on Oruxmaps"  That gave an error message saying it could not write to that directory (on extSD card)  I had expected the option to select another folder but this did not happen  For reference this occurred at time T1

I then downloaded the map via browser and transferred it to the map folder on extSD  At time T2 I opened OM and selected the new map and noticed that the previous Elevate and Elements themes were missing  So I replaced these at time T3  I then noted the Waypoints and Tracks folders were all completely empty  Not feeling too good just now

With a File Manager I looked at the Oruxmaps folders in the device internal storage   Most folders were dated at time T1  Some were empty except:

cacheimg  Time T2  Loads of new files Normal I think

customwpts T1 with one .txt file (T1)

dem  T1  All files gone

mapfiles  T2  .mf_cache folder (T2) World folder (new files T1) and  .xml files (T1)

mapstyles T3

tracklogs T2 oruxmapstracks.db (52kB) and oruxmapstracks.db_journal (8.5kB) both T1  Files .backup and .backup2  both 0.00B at T2

It seems that the download process had proceeded to some degree at T1 and then further alteration/updating occurred at T2 with clean-out of the backup files

I wonder if any others have had any similar problems?  

Is it possible to look at the remaining .db files to see if there is any useful data?

Having lost everything I took copies of the remaining tracklogs files and then tried to repeat the map download and folder-damaging process but this time all folders remained unaltered

Luckily I had much of the information on another app but all this will still encourage me to do some extra backup to PC

Hello Vkondra

In the absence of OruxMaps being able to provide a solution to our query I now use a good alternative to OM that has similar functionality but also provides NZGD2000 grid (meter) coords if you want these displayed  It has other added advantages including the ability to display Topo50 map tiles as overlays   If you have not found a satisfactory solution and are interested send a Private Message and I'll be happy to give you details
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Oruxmaps crashes by zooming in
May 06, 2016, 06:30:33 AM
Hello Orux

Galaxy S5 mini with Android 4.4.2

The following is offered just for the record

I today updated via Playstore from ver 6.5.0 to ver 6.5.5 and immediately had problems with Orux showing "Unfortunately Orux has stopped etc"  Map was OpenAndroMap Feb 2015 with Elevate theme Tried to start app again and managed to get map display but slow rendering and when panned map got a crash  Tried old OAM (Aug2015) (still Mapsforge 0.3?) and got fast rendering but crashed on zoom  Tried Garmin .img map and this seemed to be OK for the few minutes I used it

Previous ver 6.5.0 was good

Then uninstalled 6.5.5 and installed 6.5.6 from your link  This seems OK for the short time I have used it (5 min max)

Typically how many different devices do your developers use to test a new release (the actual new version without any last tweaks) before you release to Playstore?

ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Icons Placed Incorrectly in .kml files
February 07, 2016, 02:10:46 AM

Thanks very much for reply

What is "--- the first version"?

The bug seems to be one that has resulted from input data generated by OruxMaps - is that right?  If yes then will it be fixed in next version of OM or at least some time in the nearer future?
ERRORES/BUGS / Icons Placed Incorrectly in .kml files
February 06, 2016, 10:33:26 AM

I occasionally create .gpx and .kml files in OruxMaps and then export to other map viewers eg BaseCamp and Locus Map

When displayed in Locus the balloon-style waypoint icons specified in the .kml files are located incorrectly with the balloon completely below the true waypoint position In BaseCamp the Garmin waypoint flags appear to be positioned incorrectly too  

I have been advised that the error occurs because the icon "hotSpot" is incorrectly defined in the .kml file

E.g. see the following extract from a .kml file:

</text></BalloonStyle><IconStyle><Icon><href>"> ... e><hotSpot"></href></Icon><color>FFFFFFFF</color><colorMode>normal</colorMode><hotSpot x="0.5" xunits="fraction" y="1" yunits="fraction" />

When I use a text editor to change y="1" to y="0" the balloon icons are displayed correctly with the sharp end pointing to the correct waypoint position

It is of interest that when I load the original (unedited) .kml file back in OruxMaps the balloon icons appear to be in the right positions!  It seems that OM handles the .kml instructions in a different way?

For alternative map viewers there appears to be a bug in the OM .kml file generator  Perhaps someone else could advise if they have had similar experience
Perhaps someone from Orux (or anyone else?) could tell me please if there is a setting I can make to display the NZ grid coordinates or if there is some other way this can be done  

GENERAL / Re: text is shown too tiny
September 29, 2015, 10:40:45 PM
Have not tried Mapnik myself but your reply indicates it is Mapsforge style

I assume that you tried my suggestion and it did not work??

Sorry cannot help any further
GENERAL / Re: text is shown too tiny
September 29, 2015, 01:23:42 AM
Quote from: "wayang"
When i install maps whith Oruxmaps (not with MOBAC) street-names for example are shown so tiny, that i have to use the digitale-zoom to read them.

Can you please tell me, where and how i can adjust  the representation ( i.d. increase the number of pixels per symbol)?

You have not indicated what type of maps you have installed

If you are using Mapsforge styles then you can increase text size via Maps>Map settings> Mapsforge settings>Mapsforge text size  This helps to some extent eg with street names in OpenAndroMaps with Elevate themes

There is a similar setting for Garmin maps but I have not tried this
Thanks for the prompt reply

I see the reference to OM versions has been updated since I last looked at the Elevate 2 explanatory text - that's very helpful
I have OruxMaps version 6.0.10 and hope to see NZGD2000 East/North grid coordinates (metres) on my New Zealand maps e.g. from OpenAndroMaps

When I first selected Tracks> Map Datum>NZGD2000 I got Lat S/Lon E decimal degrees in the bottom dashboard

I then selected Global Settings>Units>Coordinates>grid(meters) and I got Long/Lat in degree values rounded to nearest whole number value  e.g. 175/-41

Is there any further setting I can make to get the proper NZGD2000 grid coordinates

Thanks for any help you can give
Hello eartrumpet

I am trying to use Elevate 3 but without success on a New Zealand map downloaded from OpenAndroMaps in August 2015   I have OruxMaps version 6.0.10  Elevate 2.5 works OK

Back in March 2015 you say

"Please take notice that this version (Elevate 3) can only used with apps that are compatible with mapsforge 0.5, e.g. OruxMaps 6.4beta and later"

I cannot find reference to which version of Elevate is correct for non-beta versions of OruxMaps

Could you please clarify if Elevate 3 should work OK with OM 6.0.10?
GENERAL / Re: viewing .img files in Orux maps
July 01, 2015, 04:06:28 AM
Hello JerryW

Just seen your original post

If the map you want has auto-installed on Basecamp then you can use Basecamp to put it on your phone sdcard  You will find also during this process that it is possible to select parts only of the overall map if you wish

I have used this procedure and it works well on OruxMaps

The basic method is:

1  Use phone File Manager to create new folder Garmin on the sdcard  On my phone this is  mntsdcardGarmin

2  Use Basecamp to transfer the map to the phone  Use toolbar Maps/Install maps and follow the instructions  With 400 MB it will probably take a fair while  You will find a single file called gmapsupp.img in the Garmin folder

3  Use File Manager to transfer this to the oruxmapsmapfiles folder   Rename as appropriate

The map should then be available in the oruxmaps app and run normally

Good luck if you decide to try this