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Messages - silvermapper


I thank you for your reply.  I should have answered my own post earlier: I came to understand OruxMaps was not routable but a viewer only.  The manual, oruxmapsmanual_en.pdf, confuses, however.  'Search A route between two points' on page 21 describes how to create a route but makes no mention of the necessity for an accompanying application such as BRouter.  I was informed about BRouter but was unable to make use of it.  I struggled with the address path in my Motorola Moto G where the internal storage path is 'storage/emulated/0'.  This is where OruxMaps resides and where I downloaded the BRouter app and its routable map.  It informed me it could not find particular .cd5 or .rd5 files.  I accepted defeat after hours of trying, unfortunately.

I feel that MapQuest not working as an online router should be addressed, too, either to withdraw the option or make clear somewhere this is the case.

Please allow me to emphasise these are constructive criticisms; I am in awe of OruxMaps that, in conjunction with OpenAndroMaps, has allowed me to move seamlessly to my smartphone from my beloved Garmin eTrex Legend while continuing to use OpenStreetMap.

MAPAS/MAPS / Ordnance Survey British National Grid
July 12, 2015, 10:21:58 AM
I see numerous options in 'Map Datum' for Ordnance Survey Great Britain.  None seems to provide me with British National Grid Coordinates, on a search, for example.  I have changed the coordinates to 'OSGB' in Global Settings>Units>Coordinates.  I should appreciate users' advice.
GENERAL / Re: Loading own gmapsupp.img file
July 06, 2015, 10:18:20 AM

I thank you for your reply.  I understand now what I read about SD card.  I did not see until recently that internal storage and the SD card on my 'phone are both referred to as 'SD'. One is '0' and the other is 'sdcard1'.  Please excuse my ignorance.

On the matter of Garmin: I have come to realise it is time to move on because I am learning to use my 'phone instead of my Garmin eTrex Legend for GPS and mapping.  I have already made use of OpenAndroMaps and its facility to download OSM maps to OruxMaps.

I congratulate you on your product and look forward to making much use of it.
I have installed OruxMaps to my Moto G 'phone with a subsequent download of Great Britain from OpenAndroMaps.  I have spent two days getting to know it and am in awe of its features and capability.

One thing eludes me: I am unable to create a route that uses the underlying road network in spite of numerous attempts and reading the manual time and time again.  I created two postcode waypoints two miles apart as start and destination points as a simple exercise.  I have succeeded in obtaining a blue-arrowed straight line between them only, at best.  I have confused myself totally about what steps I should take.  Will someone help, please?
GENERAL / Cannot geocode
July 05, 2015, 06:05:20 PM
I have tried to geocode without success.  A suggestion has been to restart the device.  I have powered off and on my 'phone to no avail.  Has anyone some advice, please?

I apologise: I have only now discovered a tiny 'Go' in the bottom right-hand corner of my 'phone's keyboard!!
GENERAL / Loading own gmapsupp.img file
July 03, 2015, 03:50:22 PM
The OruxMaps manual states: After installation, OruxMaps will start with an online map. The maps that are available online are configured in the map folder (on the sdcard):  oruxmaps/mapfiles/onlinemapsources.xml.  My total OruxMaps' SD card content shown in Windows Explorer on my PC is as follows: ComputerXT1039SD cardAndroiddatacom.orux.oruxmapsfiles.  However, I found ComputerXT1039Internal storageoruxmapsmapfiles subsequently, although I had selected 'Move to SD card' in the OruxMaps App info on my 'phone already.

I requested a map from"> in Mapnik style.  I copied the resulting gmapsupp.img to the mapfiles folder.  Following a few unsuccessful attempts to see my .gmapsupp.img, I understood I should touch the 'Reset map sources' button in the 'ONLINE' 'OFFLINE' page.  Unfortunately, the map does not display like Mapnik whatsoever: the information is there but in a very basic style.  I guess such .img maps require an accompanying mapstyles file?  Has any user advice to offer on this subject?