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Messages - Kamac

ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Problem with adding WMTS source
October 18, 2018, 10:50:14 AM

It works perfectly now, thanx again!

I have another related question/request. Settings for Online maps of are stored in "onlinemapsources.xml" file.

It is very easy to backup or transfer this file to another phone to get same maps there.

Not so with WMS/WMTS and MULTI maps. I have to recreate them step by step on another phone (for example if I change phone or want to give my maps to a friend) which is very tedious.

Is it possible to backup WMS/WMTS/MULTI maps settings and restore it on same or another phone? If not, this would be VERY handy feature.

Been using ORUX since many years and still find it best app of its kind ;)



ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Problem with adding WMTS source
July 31, 2018, 02:45:10 PM
Cool, tnx!
ERRORES/BUGS / Problem with adding WMTS source
July 31, 2018, 11:28:30 AM

I managed to get our goverment WMS service running (">

but have trouble getting WMTS to work. I always get "Error reading WMTS capabilities!"

Here's the address that works well in qGIS:"> ... pabilities">

And another question - where do WMS and multiple maps settings get stored? How can I transfer them to other phone without having to recreate them "by hand"?

Please help, Tnx!



I'm a long time ORUX fan/user and supporter. For quite some time now I'm using beta as I just love the ability to customize map styles with Mapsforge Themes!

Recently I started using last RC2 version and encountered pretty bad problem twice; lastly I was doing a trail marathon (tracking and following a gpx route).

During the event I got two phonecalls that I didn't answer. Only about 30 minutes later I realized, that GPS tracking stopped, because there was no audio feedback of a waypoint, that I expected :/

Unfortunately I haven't been able to reproduce this behavior willingly, but maybe somebody else also had similar situation, so please try to test it for such scenarios.

It happend to me twice on the RC2, but never on previous Orux beta (sorry, I didn't write down the version before upgrading to RC2...).

Might also be phone/Android related as before I was using Galaxy S3/Android 4 (without problems), and lately I'm running the RC2 on Samsung Galaxy S5 Active with Android 5

