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Messages - kaivi

GENERAL / Re: Not able to load/show gpx tracks in Sony Z2
September 18, 2015, 09:05:23 PM

thank you, your tips helped finding the problem. But I'm still working on a solution...

Found out that the gpx file was corrupted while downloading from email. Was sent with about 380kb in size, arrived with the same size, and after downloading it was only 28byte, containing the text "Decoding Error".

So no problem with oruxmap, but one with my email. Any experts here???

Thank you!

Bye, Kai
GENERAL / Not able to load/show gpx tracks in Sony Z2
September 13, 2015, 11:15:00 AM

I'm not able to load gpx-tracks into oruxmaps.

I followed the tips in the manual and the forum, but no success. Have the same problem with Aswings.

Running Oruxmap 6.0.10, on a Sony Z2.

Uploaded tracks to /storage/emulated/0/oruxmaps/tracklogs (which is the standard setting)

Track is shown in the upload list, but I get a "error while loading track" message.

Tried different track-sources (from gpsies,, basecamp-exports, ...), shortened tracks, tried to change the default folder. Still no success.

Anyone else with the same problems? What do I do wrong? Could it be a problem with the folder? Any tips?

Bye Kai