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Messages - stepic7

GENERAL / two versions installed, differences?
June 03, 2016, 12:48:02 PM
I am using Oruxmaps after having discarded all other similar poorer emulations

However i realized I have two versions installed 6,5,0  and 6,5,0b

I wonder one is subscribed and which one

strange enough they seam to access some of the same previously collected data

Can I get rid of one of them, and which one?

How can I transfer data from one to the other?

Can i simply move desired items from one directory to other with file expert?

MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Improvements: vocal commands
February 23, 2016, 07:19:25 PM
Excellent application!!!

After trying many I finally ended up with Oruxmap, the best


Is it feasible to give simple commands to the application, as an example: start, stop, waipoint with name and so on?

Once driving the bike it is not that simple to interact with the smartphone screen
GENERAL / annoying auto segment
September 28, 2015, 07:26:55 PM
after update I find my tracks ALWAYS split into segments with waypoints beginning and finish of each segment

I think I tried all settings, in particular:

- autosegment by time=0

- autosegment by distance=0

- create wpt automat =NO

- create initial/final wpt=YES

How is it possible to reset the creation of new segments?
