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Messages - Giox040

ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Track / Route Manager
April 13, 2022, 07:00:46 PM
Hi Orux, Thanks for the reply.
I tried, I learned to divide the track, I managed to eliminate the wrong segment but when it came to hand drawing the correct path I found it very complicated to do on the phone.
It would probably be easier to insert intermediate points to be moved appropriately but as I reported in the previous post, if the line between two points is very long (but in some cases even on not so long lines), the app does not allow me to add intermediate points.
If and when you can, please check this out.
Thank's for your job.
ERRORES/BUGS / Track / Route Manager
April 11, 2022, 05:32:05 PM
I have Oruxmaps GP but I use beta 8.5.28.
During an excursion I must have turned off the tracking by mistake, when I noticed it and I reactivated, of course a long straight line was created.
At the end of the day I wanted to try to correct the track and went to Track / Route Manager> Properties, pen icon. In single point selection, you can add, move or delete points of an existing track. I noticed that if the line between two points is very long, the app doesn't allow you to add intermediate points.
It would also be useful to be able to interrupt the track and add the missing part freehand but I realize that this would be much more complicated to develop.
GENERAL / Trying a bluetooth GPS...
April 25, 2021, 05:50:05 PM
On my Redmi note 7 I tried to use OruxMaps beta with an external Bluetooth GPS, from "Tracks", "Start external GPS".
It seems to work fine but about every 30 seconds I hear a notification sound on the phone. This is not the lost signal notification, because
i set a different sound. What can this notification mean?

Also, using "Start external GPS", the "GPS test" and "GPS status" apps don't work, I tried to use the "Bluetooth GPS" app (which I used years ago) to activate the dummy positions but without success.
Can anyone recommend me an alternative app that works with Android 10?

Thank you in advance
I agree with the request, I need a robust and reliable smartphone.

My Asus ZE551ML just ended the warranty period and started to have ghost touch problems and the GPS loses the fix continually.

I've seen some Chinese rugged phones but I'm afraid they're not reliable ...

Thank you!
BETAS / Re: New beta version, 7.2.XbetaX
March 28, 2018, 09:22:06 AM
Quote from: orux post_id=13120 time=1522092847 user_id=2
No more 7.2.6betaXX versions.

I have released version 7.2.10. It is being difficult to avoid certain problems, due to the fragmentation of android, the new requirements for apps to work in the background, and the different behavior, depending on the manufacturer, of energy saving management.

Let's see if I get a stable version, it's being a nightmare.


Hi Orux!

Yesterday I downloaded the new version. I think there is a typo at the end of the onlinemapsources.xml file:

  <onlinemapsource u

I Take this opportunity to ask you if in the presence of customonlinemaps/onlinemapsources.xml, the app ignores the original onlinemapsources.xml file, or if in the custom file I have to insert only the personal maps not present in the original file.

Thank You.
MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Re: Stop recording track....
September 02, 2016, 12:24:17 PM
Quote from: "skibum218"You could always put a lock on your screen, so if the screen is pressed it won't do anything to the app, although a lock screen can be a little annoying to some. Another option is once you start recording to go back to your phone's home screen. That way if buttons are pressed there is a really good chance it won't be on your recording. Although you would have to switch back to the app through the notifications to view your tracks, etc.

Just some thoughts

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Hi skibum218!

you are right but they are annoying operations. For this reason, when I use oruxmaps, I delayed the smartphone's lock time.

I think a double confirmation, maybe configurable, for stops the recording of a track, can be more comfortable.
MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Stop recording track....
September 01, 2016, 08:56:59 AM

Sometimes during my walks, I found that the recording of the track had stopped, perhaps because the screen was pressed while the smartphone was in the pouch.

I wonder if it were possible that the command to stop the recording of a track require some double confirmation, to avoid being cut unintentionally...

Thank you
GENERAL / Re: Height Jumps in GPS Tracking
July 20, 2016, 12:26:12 PM
Quote from: "Mike11"Hi,

I've experienced the same problem. Basically between two close points there is a huge jump where the height goes down for 1km. Is there any way to connect the two right points?

I tried to edit the .kml files by deleting all the points I thought where wrong but it didn't work.

In google earth the uploaded .kml file show two "lines":

- the track: in this "line" the height is correct

- the path: in this "line" there is the jump, and even the lenght is wrong.

Why does google earth show two different "lines"? What's the difference between track and path?


Credo che una sia l'altezza assoluta (<altitudeMode>absolute</altitudeMode>) calcolata dal tuo smart, l'altra sia l'altezza ancorata al suolo.

Anch'io avevo notato in passato nella mie traccie, punti con altitudini fortemente errate. Ora uso il modo altitudine ancorato al suolo, credo venga preso dai DEM.

btw.: Val di Mello? Sei andato a pizzoccheri?
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Bckup error or not?
July 05, 2016, 12:07:35 PM
Thank You, Orux !

Inviato dal mio ASUS_Z00AD utilizzando Tapatalk
ERRORES/BUGS / Bckup error or not?
June 23, 2016, 11:28:18 AM

Using the ver. 6.5.9, I noticed that even though I set the auto backup every seven days, not all files in oruxmaps/tracklogs/ seem to date:

  oruxmapstracks.db-journal 06/23/2016

  oruxmapstracks.db.backup-journal 01/26/2016 <<<<

  oruxmapstracks.db.backup2-journal 01/26/2016 <<<<

  oruxmapstracks.db 06/23/2016

  oruxmapstracks.db.backup 06/08/2016

  oruxmapstracks.db.backup2 06/19/2016

What is in oruxmapstracks.db-journal file?
no reply?

No one even knows the goal of dividing the tracks into segments?
These days I looked with Google Earth, traces of my excursions I had saved in the past.

I noticed that displays two tracks, one light blue and one pink in some places have very different altitudes.

- So for hiking or biking it is best to set Altitude KML "clamp to ground," rather than "absolute"?

- So far I have not set to divide the track into segments, because I did not understand what are the benefits, anyone can explain?

- Sometimes I need to clean the tracks, for example, because I forgot to stop recording the track at the end of excursion, or because of wrong turns. What 's the best system? I tried to edit the KML files but is an uncomfortable and tedious work.

I thank those who want to help me.


In questi giorni ho guardato con google earth, le tracce delle mie escursioni che avevo salvato in passato.

Mi sono accorto che vengono visualizzate 2 tracce, una azzurra ed una rosa che in alcuni tratti presentano altimetrie molto diverse.

- Quindi per escursioni a piedi o in bici è meglio settare altitudine KML  "ancorato al terreno", piuttosto che "assoluto"?

- Finora non ho settato di dividere la tracce in segmenti, perchè non ho capito quali sono i vantaggi,  qualcuno mi puo' spiegare?

- A volte avrei necessità di pulire delle tracce, ad esempio perchè mi sono dimenticato di fermare la registrazione della traccia a fine escursione, oppure a causa di deviazioni errate.  Qual'e' il sistema migliore?  Ho provato ad editare    i files KML ma è un lavoro scomodo e noioso.

Ringrazio chi mi vorrà aiutare.
GENERAL / Re: How to upgrade Oruxmaps
May 25, 2016, 02:08:21 PM
Quote from: "agocurti"Thanks for your answer, but I installed the 6.0.9 and it works... My problem is how to upgrade, not the android release.



Google play store?"> ... x.oruxmaps">
GENERAL / Re: My track.
May 09, 2016, 01:48:52 PM
Quote from: "patak"Hello,

orux is superb for me. Im using it for 3 monts and is grait for off road.

I have a problem, i record a route and upload to "oruxmap servers". Where i can find my track to download to pc???

Tracks are recorded in "Oruxmapstracklogs" folder of phone.

If you do not see files in the folder,  go to:">
GENERAL / Re: Tracce non visibili
May 09, 2016, 01:40:41 PM
Quote from: "Enzo Ottolini"Le tracce registrate da Oruxmaps durante i miei viaggi sono visibili nella cartella "tracklogs" del mio smartphone, ma, quando cerco di scaricarle sul computer, non sono visibili nella cartella "tracklogs" del computer. Non so perché e non riesco a risolvere il problema.

Tracks recorded by OruxMaps during my travels are visible in the "tracklogs" folder on my smartphone, but when I try to download them on my computer, are not visible in "tracklogs" folder on my computer. I do not know why and I can not fix the problem.

Succede anche a me e non solo con Oruxmaps. E' un problema che avevo notato anche con altri telefoni che usano MTP (Multimedia Transfer Protocol).

Se e' anche il tuo caso, in questo forum puoi trovare dei rimedi:"> ... #pid343694">