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Messages - inonah


Asking for option, to automatically add direction waypoints in an existing route, instead of adding manually

I have a same problem.
The file path is correct (in gpx file), but the app notice "unable to find item"
Still no access  :(

Since version 7.3.X, there is no permission to access external storage to save WPT photos.

I made several attempts to authorize the external storage, but it is not helpful.

In version 7.2.14, there was access to external storage.
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Cannot upload track to Oruxmaps server
February 02, 2018, 07:56:11 AM

Yes, i use the last version of oruxmaps

I have a donate app, but when I try to upload a track, I receive an "error uploading track" error message.

That happened two weeks ago.

BETAS / no writing access external sd folders
November 15, 2015, 01:22:18 PM

When defining an external sd folders (tracks,maps, etc.), the application notifies no writing access external sd folders.


Samsung S5

Android 5.0

**On samsung S2, Android 4.1.2, it was accessible.