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Messages - jtice

Thanks, that confirms what I have read about Orux.

The Google Earth app is SUPPOSED to do that, but so far its not working.

It simply does nothing when I load any of my KMZ files. They work fine in the desktop version though.
I saw that you can load at least KML files to Orux, to display routes or waypoints, but still not an image overlay? Such as a trail map?

Is this in the works to be added? This would be a GREAT addition.

Anyone know an app that can view a KMZ file with an image overlay?
I looked over that blog some looks like tons of great info there.

But still not able to find what I was looking for, as far as a large list of available WMS urls that can be added to the Orux onlinemapsources file.
I am new to OruxMaps, but I am learning as I go.

I have been trying to get the OLD style USGS maps to work online, but the urls that Orux has seem to be broke.

I did learn how to use SASPlanet to export those to Orux for the areas I need them at least.

Then I was looking into finding alternative WMS links to the USGS tops and more.

Anyone know a good list of these?

Or, is there a good master onlinemapsources file that I can use that will have all the useful links I will need?

(I am in the US, mainly interested in Google Maps, and Topos)
MAPAS/MAPS / USGS Topo Online Maps in OruxMaps ?
November 17, 2015, 04:40:17 PM
Been using OruxMaps now for a couple weeks and so far its my favorite GPS program.

But I have one issue with it, I cant seem to find a way to add the old style USGS topo maps to its list of online mapsourses.

Ones that look like this...">

Anyone know a way of doing this?

Of not Online, is there a way I can at least do it for Offline?