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Messages - KingKiKapu

I have the altitude graph displayed in my dashboard. With the latest update from the playstore it stopped updating my position. I have a route loaded that I follow and I am also recording.

When I tap the graph it does update the position once, but there is no continous update.

Am I the only one with this problem? Am I maybe just missing a setting somewhere? I did a deep-dive into the settings and I think I have tried them all. It used to work flawless with previous versions.
So I have been using this workaround for a while now. I found the best (and most lightweight app) to keep the sensor connected in the background is IpSensorMan

Start OruxMaps first, connect to the belt. Then switch over to IpSensorMan start the service and wait for it to track and show your Heartrate. Then switch back to Oruxmaps and you should have a complete and stable connection. Do not start IpSensorman first, at least in my case oruxmaps is unable to connect after.

Just leaving this suggestion here for anyone else who is also struggling with that problem. If it ever gets solved amazing, if not the workaround is very reliable.
I have the same problem with a BTE Heart Rate Belt (Sigma R1) on Android 10 and the current version of Oruxmaps. Oruxmaps finds it fine. Connects and then immediately disconnects with the 30s retry message. I tested Runtastic and Locusmaps and both work fine with the Belt, but I don't like those apps.

There even is a workaround if you start the HRM in Oruxmaps wait for the disconnect then switch to runtastic and let it read the heart rate for a while, and switch back to Oruxmaps, it works stable for hours of exercise. Unless you switch again to any other app and go back then it looses the connection again.

Oruxmaps must be doing something a little different in the connection compared to locus and runtastic. The workaround works fine for me, but it would be amazing if I would not have to use it. Would gladly help to fix this if I can help. Maybe even try to contact locus developers how or what libraries they use to connect to BLE?

Thanks for an amazing app and your amazing work.