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Messages - Ivan_S

ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Inacurate track recording
February 28, 2024, 03:58:16 PM
Dear Orux,
nice to hear from you.
Your explanation could be correct about dougchesterman's troubles, arised from a new cellphone, but what about my similar problems of poor tracking with a phone that worked well for months?
From two months now it is simply impossible to get a tracklog, as written before I tried all the possibilities, including reinstalling the app.
Any ideas about that?
Is it possible  in some way to check if the GPS sensor works, in order to exclude an Oruxmaps role in mulfunctioning?
Thank you in advance
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Inacurate track recording
February 14, 2024, 07:01:13 PM
Hi Doug,
I'll try your settings, but from many years I have always used 2 to 5 seconds as minimum time for GPS and it always worked well, with different Oruxmaps and Android versions and phones.

As far as I know all the GPS devices need an extra time when switched on, not only app-based smartphone, because they have to check many satellites, therefore I don't think that setting to 0 or 2 second could affect this behaviour (initial points oftyen shows large error, especially in elevation), but it is sufficient to wait 1 minute or so before starting track recording.
Anyway, as written before, I've recently also experienced repeated locks of the app, not only poor o stuck recording.

I'm asking again, not to you, about the existence of apps or tests for checking the origin of the problem (app, firmware, hardware ...)

ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Inacurate track recording
February 12, 2024, 01:38:30 PM
Hi to all,
I'v got the same problem, I'm using Oruxmaps v 10.5.0 GP on a Motorola g73.
I worked fine for few months, then it began to generate very poor tracks, strongly deviating from the real path. It often stops recordering for a while or completely. The stuck problem sometimes is non solved even closing the app, switching off and on again the GPS and even switching off and on the phone.
I finally tried erasing and re-installing Oruxmaps, ma nothing happened.
The app is now useless.
Any idea on how solve the problem and how it can be tested if the origin of the malfunctioning is due to the GPS receiver or to the app?
Thank you in advance
GENERAL / Re: How to reinstall Oruxmaps
December 08, 2023, 12:28:04 PM
Thank you, Matt
Done in a while, old mapfiles and tracklogs maintained, I was afraid of loosing them.
Even too simple, sorry for the stupid question.
Now I must test if it works properly or if the troubles I experienced had other sources.
Thank you again
GENERAL / How to reinstall Oruxmaps
December 03, 2023, 07:31:15 PM
Hi to all,
During last days my Oruxmaps (verso, bought 6 months ago from Playstore) showed increasing malfunctioning, from poor track records (especially at low speed, i.e walking, it frequently strongly deviates form the actual path of tens of meters even on flat surface and with no satellite signal problems), to difficulties to activate GPS localization and start track recording. Today it began to flash continuosly when I tried to activate track recording, no other action was possible and I was forced to shut off the phone repeatedly to stop the problem, but anyway it was not possible any further activity other than map showing.
I didn't find how to try/force an update to a new version. At the end I was desperate and I did a mistake and uninstalled the program, but then I realize that I don't have any copy of the original APK.

Am I forced to buy again the program or as a registered user I can in some way have the right to install it again for free?
Thank in advance to Orux or to anybody who can help me.

GENERAL / Re: BaseCamp doesn't read Orux GPX file
June 23, 2023, 02:10:17 PM
Hi Laurent and Orux,
I tested both the approaches suggested by Orux and, of course, they works, so I can now recover old tracks and load directly in BC any future track.

The reasons of differences among OruxMaps versions are still obscure to me, but now it is not relevant and I'll follow your future discussion on the subject, if any.
Perhaps Garmin changed their reference schemes but then they did not implemented in BC? (forget about if this a stupid sentence ;))

About Laurent statement:
" But it remains very surprising to me, since both URL (/v1 and /v2) are responding the same, ie. "Page not found" !"

To me it happened that ....v1 was not found while ...v2 open the corresponding xmlschema
Perhaps BC v. 4.7.4 does not access the v2 xmlschema and return the unknown error, I'll try the upgrade to the next version and we'll see.

Thank you again, hope my post was not wasted time for you,
GENERAL / Re: BaseCamp doesn't read Orux GPX file
June 23, 2023, 08:46:15 AM
Many thanks Laurent, wonderful analysis.
I can easily send you the original file, I only deleted data points, but it seems not necessary now to repeat the analysis.
It will take some time to me to assimilate the information and try to overcome the problem as suggested by Orux and I'll let you know within next week.

A residual doubt would be: Why the problem appear in the new OM version? Was something changed in the way OM build the GPX file or what?
Nobody reported the same problem before or it depends on a particular OM setting?

The BC version I'm using is 4.7.4 and it always worked with GPX file from many different origin (OM 7.4 generated, downloaded by various sites, etc.)
If BC is too "flimsy" and crashes with formally correct files please let me know how I can try to inform Garmin about the problem.
Best regards and, again, thanks
GENERAL / Re: BaseCamp doesn't read Orux GPX file
June 22, 2023, 11:38:03 AM
Sorry, it seems that only one file was attached, I add the other
GENERAL / Re: BaseCamp doesn't read Orux GPX file
June 22, 2023, 11:35:37 AM
Thank you LaurentG, thank you Orux,
I tried a file content analysis, but my knowledge are limited ...
I'm attaching two files:

Ivan Original track not readable by BaseCamp.GPX  = the file obtained by OruxMaps and not readable by BaseCamp as described,
Ivan track converted by GPSvisualizer.GPX  =  the same file uploaded on GPSvisualizer and 'converted' in a GPX file then readable by BC.

I deleted most of the points on both files to reduce size and increse readability.
If something is not clear please let me know
GENERAL / Re: BaseCamp doesn't read Orux GPX file
June 21, 2023, 03:50:16 PM
Thank you for the answer,
no, Basecamp just report 'unknown error'. Given that BC regularly open GPX track files created with a previuos version of Oruxmaps I was wondering if the new Oruxmaps version introduced variations in the GPX file structure, that's the reason of my question and/or if someone noticed the same problem. The error doesn't seem to be attributable to BC.

I would also have a question about routes; whenever a route is loaded it is not visible because by default  the 'hide route' option in the tracks/route menĂ¹ is checked and the tracks/routes menĂ¹ must be accessed  to uncheck the 'hide route' option. I don't understand the reason of these default choice.
GENERAL / Re: BaseCamp doesn't read Orux GPX file
June 19, 2023, 12:06:13 PM
waiting for help, i tried to upload one of the Orux generated track files that BaseCamp doesn't open in and 'convertied' it in a "new" GPX file.
The "new" file is regularly read by BaseCamp, so it seems that the file structure generated by Oruxmaps is at the origin of the problem.
Again, any idea on how to solve it?
Thank you in advance,
GENERAL / BaseCamp doesn't read Orux GPX file
June 15, 2023, 02:11:33 PM
Hi to all from a newcomer,
I've been for years a satisfied Oruxmaps user (version 7) and I recently bought from Playstore and installed Oruxmaps v. 10.1.3 GP on my new Android phone.
After some adaptation problems to the new version menus it works, but when I try to open on my PC a track GPX file generated by OruxMaps it doesn't work and I get a message of 'unknown error'.
Any idea on how to solve the problem?
Thank you in advance,