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Messages - anacleto

ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Cadence/speed storage in BT version
October 28, 2023, 02:59:05 PM
It happens also to me, two bluetooth sensors, cadence and speed, but only the first one shows it's MAC: in the config menus (ConfiguraciĆ³n-Sensores-Cadencia/Velocidad BTLE)  First option (Cadencia/Velocidad BTLE) shows MAC of the sensor, second option (Segundo sensor) does not, it dissapears when exiting and returning again. 
Nevertheless, the app internally seems to remember the second sensor.

Anyone is using the Wear OS app with the Google Play version of Oruxmaps on an Android 13 phone? 

For me, the watch app opens ok, but it does not communicate with the phone app.

When I press the start recording button on watch, there is no response on phone, and in the logcat of the phone there are some errors:

[06-21 21:55:41.190 2117:4131 W/PackageManager]
Intent does not match component's intent filter: Intent { cmp=com.orux.oruxmapsDonate/com.orux.oruxmaps.wearable.WearableMobileListenerService }

[06-21 21:55:41.191 2117:4131 W/PackageManager]
Access blocked: ComponentInfo{com.orux.oruxmapsDonate/com.orux.oruxmaps.wearable.WearableMobileListenerService}

[06-21 21:55:41.191 2117:4131 W/PackageManager]
Intent does not match component's intent filter: Intent { cmp=com.orux.oruxmapsDonate/com.orux.oruxmaps.wearable.WearableMobileListenerService }

[06-21 21:55:41.191 2117:4131 W/PackageManager]
Access blocked: ComponentInfo{com.orux.oruxmapsDonate/com.orux.oruxmaps.wearable.WearableMobileListenerService}

[06-21 21:55:41.192 2117:4131 W/ActivityManager]
Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.orux.oruxmapsDonate/com.orux.oruxmaps.wearable.WearableMobileListenerService } U=0: not found

Maybe it is related with this new "feature" of Android 13?: