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Messages - Kapok

Quote from: dm413-om on November 26, 2022, 04:03:40 PM
Well, if you close Orux and restart it, the deleted track will no longer show on the screen. Having a track that shows on the screen but is not in the list of tracks in the database and disappears when you restart the app doesn't make sense to me. But it's not a big deal.
I agree with you, I think it would be confusing for most people. There are many UX/UI pain points in oruxmaps unfortunately.

You can remove a single route from the mapviewer by clicking on it, then click on the name, then click on the bin. By the way on this screen the UI is also suboptimal. We would expect to have a way to know what each button does on this screen especially the bottom line because it's not obvious at all. Well there is no way except by trial and error. I thought the help button would tell me that because that's what it does on many screens, but no, on this one it gives information about smth else.

Quote from: orux on December 14, 2022, 09:40:47 AM
There are 3 things that you can show on the map:
--current Track (the one you are recording).
--routes (loaded from your tracks database, your tracks list, or from a file, a gpx, kml,...)
--overlays, layers. From the list of your tracks, or from a file (kml, kmz, shp,..).

The difference between loading routes/(kml, kmz,...) as map layers or as routes is in the visual aspect. The layers on the map preserve the graphic attributes, color, fill,...


Routes as overlays also seem to have a minimal impact on performance. Which is a big deal because performance gets quite bad after more than 10k points on my phone (GS10).
QuoteAlso I'm wondering if there is a way to measure a distance & altitude along the track/route instead of between 2 points connected by a straight line as currently ? It would be very useful.
I just realized that this function does exist, I'm surprised no one told me :p It's called "measure distances" in track/route tools. It even gives elapsed time if the route has timing data :) I don't think it should take into account the distance from the point to the track though (the straight lines). That would also avoid giving an inappropriate elapsed time in those cases.

I also discovered the "advanced meter" tool but it doesn't give total elevation data (even with dem files ofc). So this tool is a bit useless in the mountains unfortunately. 

I'm still wondering why oruxmaps doesn't show actual segments names (see my previous post).


GENERAL / Actual segments names not displayed
June 27, 2023, 03:29:09 PM

First of all I'd like to thanks Mr Vaszquez for his incredible work.

I'm wondering why oruxmaps doesn't properly show the names of the segments. I'm using this gpx file :
that uses this format "  <trk>
    <name>HRP Section 1</name>". However Oruxmaps uses generic names instead (segment 1 / 2 /3 etc). Why ?

Also I'm wondering if there is a way to measure a distance & altitude along the track/route instead of between 2 points connected by a straight line as currently ? It would be very useful.

Last thing I liked the "old" track page better because with the new one I can only see 3 tracks without scrolling (and I think for most of us, "type" and "difficulty" are almost always undefined, so it's cluttering the screen for nothing). Also I think for the sake of simplicity, a simple tap on a track without any tracks "checked" should open the track in the map viewer.

Thanks a lot for this great app !