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Messages - Fabio5107

Orux es un programa fantástico!

Sería muy útil que pudieras crear una ruta tocando los waypoints consecutivamente en el mapa.

Tengo todos los waypoints  de los aeropuertos en la mapa, toco aquellos de los que me gustaría pasar, y se crea la ruta.

¡Sería genial!
No, no compass in S8.

And then it is normal that the attitude does not work?
I say this because the Oruxmap's attitude indicator remains fixed vertically. It does not move when I move the tablet.

If I run GPS Status instead, I can see Roll Pitch Accell values changes.

You coud see this in this small video i put in youtube named "Lenovo S8 Orux problem"">
Oruxmap can't reads LenovoTabS8-50L accelerometer.

The app "Gps status" reads the sensor correctly.

Android version 5.0.1

Sameone can help me please?


Hello all.

As in the subject, with my Lenovo tab S8-50L Orux's attitude indicator does not work.

Orux is unable to read accelerometer sensor.

In the app "Gps status" I can read pitch roll and accel value regularly. Android version is 5.0.1.

Same one can help me please?

