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Messages - german_kite

GENERAL / Re: problems in using jpg- and jgw-file
February 10, 2016, 05:41:06 PM
Thanx for the answer!!

I will try soon


I am a german biologist using ArcView as a GIS-program. At work I usually take an aerial photo (as .jpg-files) and georeference it (make a .jgw-file). Now I want to use the android-app OruxMaps, to take the photos into the field and use them to mark some points (bird-nets ....).

Therefore (I guess) I first have to convert the georeferenced aerial photo with the OruxMapsDesktop?! I tried to do so, but the program does not except the .jgw-file (I think ?!). Please can someone give me a hint!

The used .jgw-file looks like this:







and the values for the projection I use are as follow:

description in german:

Koordinatensystem Gauss-Krüger


Datum Potsdam

Streifenbreite 3°

Mittelmeridian 12° Ost

Lagestatus 110


I think this might mean:

projection: Gauss-Kruger zone 4

date: DHDN Potsdam

spheroid: Bessel (1841 ?)

units: METERS

So many parameters :-(

I searched for the right way to handle (in the internet), but I think .... I need some help !

Thanks!  Markus

(Yesterday I already posted this question, but I can not find it anywhere :-( therefore today again )
GENERAL / problems in using jpg- and jgw-file
February 01, 2016, 05:27:40 PM

I am a german biologist using ArcView as a GIS-program. I usually take an aerial photo (as .jpg-file) and georeference it (make a .jgw-file). Now I want to use the android-app OruxMaps, to take this photo(s) into the field and for example mark some points (bird-nets ....).

Therefore (I guess) I first have to convert the georeferenced aerial photos with the OruxMapsDesktop?!

I tried to do that, but the program does not except the .jgw-file. Please - can someone give me a hint!

The used .jgw-file looks like this:







and the values for the projection I wanted use are as follow:

description in german:

Koordinatensystem Gauss-Krüger


Datum Potsdam

Streifenbreite 3°

Mittelmeridian 12° Ost

Lagestatus 110


I think this might mean:

projection: Gauss-Kruger zone 4

date: DHDN Potsdam

spheroid: Bessel (1841 ?)

units: METERS

So many parameters :-(

I searched for the right way to handle (in the internet), but I think .... I need some help !

Thanks!  Markus