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Messages - Jeannot40

Thank you for your answer Juanjo
I have tried to do this but doesn't work.
I am thinking that oruxmaptacks.db location is not the same on the devices.
But yeah I agree that is the good solution
GENERAL / Copy all my old tracks on my new phone
July 18, 2020, 10:52:36 PM

I use now Oruxmap since 2012 and I think that is the best gps application for the oudoor activities

But my old phone (2014) is out of memory and I change it.

Oruxmap works very fine on my new device; I have tried to copy on my new phone all that Oruxmap folders but that doesn't work I can't reload my old traces.

I have tried to create an account on the Oruxmap server thinking to transfer my old tracks on the server and reload on my new phone but that doesn't work : I get "Invalid email" as answer.

Please do you have a suggestion to retrieve my old traces ?

I submited this issue at the LineageOS team: the solution has been found by Gabriele M:
QuoteThe log doesn't show the problem, but I could reproduce the bug. It's a kernel panic caused by sdcardfs, I'll look into that.

In the meantime you can disable sdcardfs as follows:

Open /system/build.prop and change




You need root to do this.

All work fine with that.
ERRORES/BUGS / OruxMap doesn't work with Lineage
December 26, 2017, 11:12:28 AM
Hello Orux

I used OruxMap since many years, and since 2 years on my smartphone  Moto 4G (1st gen).

This autunm, Motorola / Lenovo don't want released new upgrades for my smartphone (thank they, my next smarphone will not be these brands), then i have installed the custom ROM Lineage 14.2

I'm very satified of Lineage. My smartphone is now under Android 7.0 and most importantly I filled the security gap of the wifi.

But I'm disapointed that OruxMap doesn't work: it starts and about 1mn later the phone reboot. The first time afer reboot I retried again : this time the reboot was blocked on the load screen.I had to proceed at a wipe to recovery my smartphone this was a pain.

I tried the last beta 7.2.2beta3 (2 tries ) and the release 7.0.4 (1 try). I stop the tries except if you wish that I will try a new version that could solve this big issue.

Best regards