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Messages - chris.willis

Thanks for the reply, sorry to be a burden. Currently downloading those maps from the link you gave and I appreciate it. I find the Google map plugin to my navigation system is good when I'm walking on streets. Don't have to monitor it as it verbally tells me when to turn. Lazy, I guess. Yes, these offline options will be a huge enhancement especially with no data coverage and in bush (like yesterday!). I got bogged down in detail and lost sight. I guess I'll try figure from the manual where to install these maps, so thanks for the pointers, and have a great day!

Hi there!!

I've recently installed this program and had a fiddle around and have become stuck on a few things. I'm wondering if a couple of guru's out there could help me.

1. I was out walking today and when referring to the program for direction it had only these "refresh circles" and no map. After about 30 minutes walking they eventually came up and I had been going in the wrong direction. Is there a way to download maps for offline viewing and to avoid these refresh circles? I can't see the option. It'd also help so I'm not on digital data all the time.

2. After plotting a route I can't see the name of the roads. Is there a way to space the chevrons out, or change the chevrons for dots etc?

3. One of the more useful features on my Google Maps is it plugs in to a GPS navigator for driving a car. I find this VERY useful but can't seem to do the same sort of thing for Orux. Is there a way to do it? I can get the 3d maps after a download but it doesn't seem to track me very well.

Basically I'm using the program to (a) create a route, (b) follow a route in much the same way as an in-car GPS system but with the maps disconnecting for example, I'm sure you can see my problem!

Anyways, thanks for reading. I've pressed a thousand buttons today and can't work these things out.
