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Messages - lujingjilu_oruxmaps

MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Add latest GPS fix/lock time
September 13, 2018, 12:11:14 PM

I suggest to add latest GPS lock/fix time to dashboard. Many GPS apps have it now.

When we do hiking, the GPS signal are on-and-off due to bad weather, thick forest or at button of a valley. Once it happens, the oruxmaps track function displays our location as the coordinates at its last GPS fix/lock. User won't know the reading is from 10min ago or hours ago.  It is important to know when is the last update of the coordinates (ie. GPS fix). The elapsed time is very helpful to estimate our current location.



I suggest to add last GPS lock/fix time to dashboard. It would largely increase the safety of hikers.

I use oruxmaps to do trekking navigation. In the mountain region, GPS loses lock very often. It is not practical to stop and wait for GPS re-lock every time. Sometimes, it never locks due to the terrain. If oruxmaps provides the last lock/fix time, we can determine if the displayed location trustworthy, or we can make rough estimation of the current location according to the time elapsed.  

Several other GPS apps have included this function. I suggest oruxmaps develop team to add it wchi makes oruxmaps closer to perfect.  

