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Messages - joze

BETAS / Re: New beta version, 7.5.9betaX
February 23, 2020, 08:25:41 PM
Quote from: orux on February 20, 2020, 09:46:29 AM
Quote from: joze on February 18, 2020, 09:58:10 PM

there's a small problem with the drawer window from the right if used in combination with android 10 gesture settings.
With these android settings, there's no back button any more but rather swiping from the right (or left) border to the center acts as "back".
See for example

The problem is

  • with a first swipe from the right margin to the center, the information panel (as added in beta8) from the right is opened (instead of the gesture acting as "back")
  • with a second swipe from the right margin to the center the gesture now acts as "back" which closes the information panel again
there's no way to close oruxmaps with "double back", as the first "back swipe" opens the information panel always.

I'd suggest to be compatible with android 10:

  • either add an option to turn of the information panel (which in fact is maybe not too useful for everybody anyway).
  • or add an exit "button" in the top or left menu (or even an exit button to be configurable for the left or right column buttons)
here's a short movie which shows what happens if I used the back gesture (swiping from the right margin to the center) repeatedly.
The information panel opens and closes repeatedly but oruxmaps doesn't exit.

You can open the right panel in two ways:
--there is a new menu option under the 'more' button (action bar, right button).--you can add a new button in the lateral button bars.

I my Android 10 device (one plus) the left/right panels do not open with swiping from the right/left margin to the center. Both gestures are recognized as back button if I have enabled navigation with gestures. Strange.


In fact the problem occurs when "full screen" and "force full screen" are enabled.
If fullscreen is enabled, the android 10 back swipe doesn't act as "back" but rather opens the information panel.
If fullscreen is _not_ enabled, the android 10 back swipe acts as back like expected.
BETAS / Re: New beta version, 7.5.9betaX
February 18, 2020, 09:58:10 PM

there's a small problem with the drawer window from the right if used in combination with android 10 gesture settings.
With these android settings, there's no back button any more but rather swiping from the right (or left) border to the center acts as "back".
See for example

The problem is

  • with a first swipe from the right margin to the center, the information panel (as added in beta8) from the right is opened (instead of the gesture acting as "back")
  • with a second swipe from the right margin to the center the gesture now acts as "back" which closes the information panel again

there's no way to close oruxmaps with "double back", as the first "back swipe" opens the information panel always.

I'd suggest to be compatible with android 10:

  • either add an option to turn of the information panel (which in fact is maybe not too useful for everybody anyway).
  • or add an exit "button" in the top or left menu (or even an exit button to be configurable for the left or right column buttons)

here's a short movie which shows what happens if I used the back gesture (swiping from the right margin to the center) repeatedly.
The information panel opens and closes repeatedly but oruxmaps doesn't exit.
BETAS / Re: New beta version, 7.5.9betaX
February 05, 2020, 06:58:08 PM
Quote from: orux on January 29, 2020, 05:24:23 PM
Quote from: joze on January 25, 2020, 04:54:13 PM
In the latest beta 28, distances to waypoints (and the corresponding times to reach the waypoint) are calculated miserably wrong.

Left: the correct distance and time as from oruxmaps gp 7.5.8, where I was in plane over the baltic sea about 406 nautical  miles and 51 min away from the airport Frankfurt which was the next waypoint. Distance and time beeing correct.

Right: as displayed in the latest beta 28 for the same location in the plane and same waypoint Frankfurt airport beeing selected, where a ridiculous distance (3356 nautical miles) and time are displayed:


for testing purpose, could you send me both the route (the waypoints in the route) and the path, as GPX files?


the latest beta 29 solves this issue. Thanks!
MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / HC-06 barometric altitude sensor
January 26, 2020, 10:33:57 PM

what about supporting HC-06 barometric altitude sensors like this:

I'd like to get full screen (android status bar and navigation bars removed) but the oruxmaps menu bar still beeing visible.
I didn't manage how to do that.
The images below show the situation for different configurations.
The images were recorded with the latest beta 28 as of January 2020 but the behaviour is the same with the stable versions like 7.4.22 or the one from google play store.

1. If full screen is turned off, both the android status bar and the navigation bars are visible as expected.
The oruxmaps menu bar is visible too -- this is also expected, because I didn't configure it to be invisible or be hiding after some seconds.

2. If full screen is turned on, both the android status bar and the navigation bars are hidden as expected.
There's still space for the android navigation bar reserved at the bottom.
What is not expeced is that the oruxmaps menu bar is now hidden.

3. If force full screen is ticked too, the space for the android nav bar at the bottom disappears as expected.
Yet what is not expeced is that the oruxmaps menu bar is not visible.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I did'nt find a possibility to have the android status bar and navigation bar beeing removed but the oruxmaps menu bar still beeing visible.

Maybe a feature wish for upcoming betas?
BETAS / Re: New beta version, 7.5.9betaX
January 25, 2020, 04:54:13 PM
In the latest beta 28, distances to waypoints (and the corresponding times to reach the waypoint) are calculated miserably wrong.

Left: the correct distance and time as from oruxmaps gp 7.5.8, where I was in plane over the baltic sea about 406 nautical  miles and 51 min away from the airport Frankfurt which was the next waypoint. Distance and time beeing correct.

Right: as displayed in the latest beta 28 for the same location in the plane and same waypoint Frankfurt airport beeing selected, where a ridiculous distance (3356 nautical miles) and time are displayed:

BETAS / Re: New beta version, 7.5.9betaX
January 14, 2020, 10:49:24 PM

I tested 7.5.9beta27.


Oruxmaps crashes when I select a waypoint as navigation target or load a route containing waypoints and select "WP navi".
Did anybody observe a similar behaviour?


having composite maps with different maximal zoom levels seems to work better compared to 7.4.22 or the version installed from google.
The latter two ones sometimes do not display the composite map if one of the composite components does not contain the selected zoom level.
GENERAL / Altitude / Barometer Sensor nrf51822
July 13, 2019, 02:32:36 PM

I've this sensor">

with a nrf51822 chip.">

I configured this sensor in oruxmaps->settings->BT-4.0-Baro-/Thermometer and configured the oruxmaps dashboard to show barometric pressure and altitude (from pressure sensor).

Oruxmaps shows a popup, that it connected to the sensor so it seems that the is recognized.

Unfortunately, the barometer and altitude dashboard items stay empty and display nothing.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
GENERAL / UTC time on dashboard?
April 13, 2019, 09:30:35 AM

I didn't manage to get UTC time on the dashboard display.

I configured to have the time beeing displayed as dashboard "button".

I also tried to set units->UTC, but this didn't help either.

Any ideas how to do this?

best regards

GENERAL / UTC time on dashboard?
April 13, 2019, 09:30:35 AM

I didn't manage to get UTC time on the dashboard display.

I configured to have the time beeing displayed as dashboard "button".

I also tried to set units->UTC, but this didn't help either.

Any ideas how to do this?

best regards

GENERAL / display offline maps in android wear?
May 29, 2016, 09:29:12 PM

it would be useful to display offline maps in android wear.

Is this possible?